Chapter 10; True Friendship

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It was another chilly London afternoon when Louise, Zoe, Shawna, and Hazel met me at Starbucks the following Tuesday, sipping their coffee in a booth in the corner. I walked over to them, being the last to arrive, and Zoe slid my coffee across the table to me. I smiled, and thanked her.

"Are we ready?" Hazel asked, and we all nodded, heading out the door.

A few hours later, Shawna and I were heading out of Hot Topic, several bags covering our arms. We talked about everything we could think of, from anime, to tv shows, to Youtube, to my friendship with Dan and Phil. I could easily say she was my best friend, we went that deep in conversation.

We walked to te Topman store next door, meeting up wit Zoe, Hazel, and Louise, who went over to pick out gifts for Jack and Dean's celebration for their new movie. It was a suprise party, and the girls were the ones in charge of everything. As we arrived at the store, the girls were just walking out, their arms also full of all sorts of bags.

We continued down the walk way, looking at any other stores that may have caught our eye, when Lousie interupted my thoughts.

"So Bailey, anything new happening with you?" she asked.

I shook my head, thinking of how empty my schedule really was. "Nope, just trying to keep under the radar."

Zoe snorted a laugh. "Well, that sounds suspicious! What are we hiding, huh?"

"N-nothing! I just like to keep things low profile." I stuttered, not good under pressure.

"Hmm, I smell a secret!" Hazel said, smiling at me.

"I bet it has something to do with Dan! You two seem pretty close when you got to the apartments the other day!" Shawna said, winking at me with a smile.

"N-no way." I said, shaking away the thoughts. "I'm just trying to avoid my birthday next week, okay? Nothing to do with Dan."

"Aw! Our little Bailey is getting older! We have to celebrate." Hazel said.

"No, it's okay. I haven't done anything for my birthday in years." I said,

"All the more reason, what should we do? Party? Dinner?" Zoe said.

"No, no, let's do a sleep over! Bailey, that could be low key and fun! Besides, I'm sure Dan, and also Phil, won't be willing to give you up all day on your birthday." Louise said, winking at me. I blushed a deep scarlet.

I sighed, I knew there was no way to get out of this. "Fine, but only if you bring Darcy."

Louise laughed, "Of course, every party needs a princess."

"Well, guys, I have to get back to my hotel to leave tomorrow. I'll totally be Skyping for your party though, Bailey!" Shawna said, hugging me before calling a cab and leaving. I waved goodbye, making a mental note to get her Skype name from Phil.

The rest of us decided we were done for the day, and we climbed into a cab, and headed towards my place first. I was exsauhted when I stepped into my apartment, suddenly pulled into a hug, dropping all my bags the moment I stepped through the door.

"Bailey! Where were you!" the voice of Dan filled my ears as I stuggled to breathe as I was being hugged.

"Uhh...With Lousie, Zoe, Hazel, and Shawna shopping." I said, or rather, mumbled nto Dan's chest.

"Oh..." he said, letting go of me.

I blinked up at him, raising an eyebrow. He sounded extremely worried, but now just looked embarassed. "Dan, I told my mom where I was going. Why didn't you just ask her?"

"Well, she went out to the store to buy dinner. She left a note on the door, and said that we were welcome to wait for her to get back." Phil said from the sofa. "Dan was really worried that you weren't mentioned or here."

"Phiiil. Shut up!" Dan said, blushing.

I giggled. "Well, I'm right here! Oh! And since you two are here, I have something for you. Sit, I'll be right back."

I went up to my room, grabbing the medium size boxes that were wrapped in silver metalic paper. It was the gifts that I had picked up during my last shopping trip with the girls. I smiled to myself as I grabbed the boxes, stacking them on each other and walking slowly down the stairs.

Dan and Phil gave me curious looks from the sofa as I entered the living room. I placed a box with their names in front of the correct boy, and smiled up at them.

"What's this?" Phil asked, shaking his box.

I giggled. "Just something I picked up for you guys, to say thank you for everything you've done for me. This can't even begin to describe my gratitude."

Phil opened his gift, revealing the stuffed Squirtle, the anime Parasite on dvd (becuase he told me once that was his favorite), and a couple of Buffy comic. Phil smiled at me, and gave me a hug, before he began reading Buffy.

Dan looked at me with a raised eyebrow, before I guestured for him to open up his gift. Inside was a Funko Pop Crash Bandicoot, the dvd season one of Free!, and the newest Muse cd. Dan smiled at me, before standing, and giving me a hug. I burried my face in his chest, feeling my aching leg muscles almost give out as I rested against Dan. I guess we must have hugged a little longer then normal, because Phil cleared his throat, making us jump apart. He chuckled at us, before shaking his head.

Then the front door swung open, and mom walked in, several grocery bags in her arms. She smiled at us, and I followed her to the kitchen, helping her put the bags away.

"So, boys, would you like to stay for dinner? I'm making homemade pizza." she smiled at them.

"Sure, Mrs. Bolt, it sounds great." Phil said, smiling up at her from his Buffy comic.

"You know, Phil, Bailey mentioned going as Buffy for Halloween this year, you boys could be her Angel and Spike." Mom said, laughing as Phil looked up at her with a wide eyed expression.

"I CALL BEING SPIKE!" he yelled, before pulling out his phone to, what I assumed was, searching for Spike costumes online.

"Have you watched Buffy, Mrs. Bolt?" Dan asked curiously.

Mom laughed, and nodded. "Oh, of course! Who do you think showed it to Bailey?"

"Yup, mom loves Buffy as much as I do. Though, I'm not sure we can compete with Phil's love." I said, giggling.

"Okay Bailey, you officially have he coolest mom. Other then mine of course." Phil said, making mom laugh.

"Bailey, why don't you and the boys go play games in the office for awhile why I make dinner?" mom said, smiling at us.

"You don't want help?" I asked, she shook her head.

"No, go have fun sweetie. I have it all under control." She said.

The guys followed me up stairs, making a quick pit stop in my room as we decided what we wanted to do. We decided to just watch Dan's new Free dvds in my room, and Phil was still reading his comics. I sat at the front of the bed, next to Dan, while Phil laid across the foot of the bed. Dan and I watched the screen, and while I was mostly focused on it, I couldn't help but notice Dan staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I thought about asking him, but I knew I would just embarrass him on the spot, and probably wouldn't get an answer anyway.

Maybe I'll just ask Louise...?

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