Chapter 21; Friendship's Give Back

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P. O. V. Bailey

I raced downstairs, ready to face Dan and talk about his video. But before I could reach the front door, my mom called out for me. I froze in front of the stairs, and looked at mom, my cry breaking free.

Mom didn't ask any questions, she just came and hugged me. She held me tight as I cried a snotty cry. When I composed myself, dad handed me a cup of hot tea, and motioned for me to sit down.

"D-Dan uploaded a video. I have to talk to him!" I said, trying to get up, but mom put a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay honey, but you can't go like this. Why don't you go collect your thoughts, and maybe tomorrow we can go talk to him." Mom said. I knew she was right, so I trotted off to bed.

It's been two day, and I finally felt collected enough to talk to Dan and Phil. I stood outside there door, and quickly knocked. Feeling the anticipation bubble inside me.

A beat later, the front door swung open reveling Dan. He looked...tired. And surprised to see me. Wordless, he pulled me into him. Hugging me tight, and I returned the hug with the same longing.

"When I didn't hear from you, I thought...I thought you'd given up on me." He said, his voice cracking.

I buried my head further in his chest, not saying a word.

"FINALLY!" Phil shouted from behind Dan, making us both jump apart.

"Phil! You scared me, you spork." I said, causing Dan to laugh.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat behind us, causing me to jump and turn around, startled.

"Oh, my. I just arrived here for my meeting, but I didn't realize you two had made peace. I'm happy for you, both." Dr. Collens said, smiling.

I raised my eyebrow. "We don't have an appointment today. Did mom call you?"

She smiled, but shook her head. Then, she unexpectedly looked at Dan. "Shall you explain or shall I?"

I looked at Dan, slightly worried. Should I be worried? I hope I was just me over thinking.

"I uh, I've been meeting with Doc twice a week, to um, work through my depression. It's part of the reason I was distancing myself from you.  I kind of hit rock bottom with guilt. I know that may seem silly, and in a sober mind it is sort of, I guess. But I wanted to get better with the help of Dr. Collens before we talked. But I realize now that was sort of silly." Dan said, shuffling awkwardly.

"I see. Well, Dan, all I can say is now I hope we can work out things, together. That's what friends are for." I said, smiling.

I wasn't sure, but I could have sworn I saw hurt flash through Dan's eyes as I said the word 'friend'. But surly that was my imagination. It has to be, right?

Stop it, Bailey, you have the worst timing...

Mentally, I rolled my eyes at myself.

"...Bailey?" Phil's voice caught me off guard, and my head snapped from Dan's face to look at Phil.

"Sorry," I said, blushing, "I was, uh, lost in thought I guess."

Phil chuckled. "I was saying, maybe we should let Dan and Doc here have their meeting and we can go get coffee?"

I nodded, eager for some time with Phil, and a caffeinated beverage. I sent a quick text to mom to let her know what was up. Phil and I flagged a taxi outside the complex, and asked for the nearest Starbucks.

When we arrived, Phil sneakily paid for my drink without me noticing until it was too late, and then we grabbed a corner booth.

"Sooo..." I said, sipping my hot beverage.

Phil grinned at me. "You and Dan made up, that's good."

I nodded, agreeing, but my mouth to full of French Vanilla goodness to respond verbally.

"Do you think you guy could be more then friends?" Phil asked suddenly, causing me to choke on my drink.

I began coughing, and I could feel my face going red. When I was able to breathe again, I gave Phil a questioning look.

"I think, maybe, we should just focus on our friendship and our health right now." I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"You're probably right. I just want everyone to be happy, that's all. For what it's worth, Bailey, I think you and Dan are really good for each other." Phil said innocently, sipping his drink.

I smiled at him. "That's sweet of you, Phil."

Phil looked at his phone, and sighed. He looked up at me smiling, and then stood up.

"I hate to cut this short, but I have some filming to do. Ready to head home?" He asked.

I stood up as well, but shook my head. "I think I'm gonna go for a walk. Clear my head. But you go on ahead, and thanks, by the way."

Phil hugged me. "Stay safe, Bailey. Call if you get attacked by a dragon!"

I laughed, and waved to Phil and we both left the coffee shop, heading in opposite directions.  I tossed my empty cup in the bin as I walked by it, and then stuffed my hands in my hoodie pockets.

Since I got out of the hospital, it wasn't often that I had a moment all to myself. As I walked down the busy London street, I felt the chilly breeze whip through my hair, and I shivered.

I saw an elderly woman sitting on the pavement, with a chipped coffee mug in front of her. I frowned thoughtfully for a moment, pulling out a few crumpled dollars from my pocket. I placed them in her mug as I walked by, but she reached out, and grasped my hand in hers.

Her hands were like ice, and I looked at her. She was wearing baggy clothes, and her coat had so many holes I didn't understand how it kept her warm.

"Thank you, missy." She said, sounding frail.

I unzipped my jacket, and took it off. I placed it around her shoulders, and she gave me a testy eyed look.

"Missy, I can't accept this..." she said.

I shook my head, smiling. "You need it more then I do. Trust me. I wish I could do more for you, but hopefully that money can get you a nice hot bowl of soup." I said, and she thanked me again.

Now I was cold. I walked a bit down the street, and then called for a taxi. As I passed the old woman again, I smiled to myself. It made me sad thinking about all the people homeless in the world, but it also made me grateful.

I knew I wasn't magically cured. I would still have bad days, but I had an amazing support system for those bad days. So why not do what I can to give back?

When I got home, I quickly went inside. I went up the stairs, and rushed into my family apartment. Mom gave me a funny look as she handed me a hot mug of coco.

"Where's your coat?" She asked.

"Oh, I gave it to a homeless woman." I said casually, before heading up the stairs.

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