where is charlie?

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"Aw, shoot.. I'LL BE DAMNED!! Wrecked glass window on the back part of the house... fragments of shattered glass on the floor.... Damn mess on every nook.. wrecked furnitures and everything is a mess... But there's NOTHING MISSING HERE and there's NO DEAD BODY. Intrusion? Murder? Kidnapping? Son of a... !!?" Police Chief Detective Fred Alred said to himself, while curiously roaming around the crime scene.

"Sir! Come here.. Look! There's blood on the broken glass window!", a young police investigator in the crime scene found another clue, and called the attention of the veteran detective who was inspecting and roaming around the crime scene.

Chief Detective Fred Alred, came immediately on that spot, excited and surprised, with a husky voice, he uttered, "Oh hell... yes indeed! And look at here kid, there's so much blood on the fragments of shattered glass on the floor too. But it's just a crazy mindbender that there's so much blood on this floor, and yet.. we found no dead body on this crime scene.. am I right, kid?"

"That's right sir..", the young detective replied.

"By the way... good work young man!", Chief Detective Fred taps the shoulder of the young police investigator. The 58-year old Chief Detective continued, "Take samples of blood from that broken glass window and from this messy floor, then tell the crime laboratory that I need a DNA results on this, A.S.A.P. Can you do that for me, kid?"

The young police investigator, with so much enthusiasm replied, "Of course sir! It's an honor to work with the best Police Detective in the country sir.."

Detective Alred chuckled, "Okay.. Okay.. Okay.. No need for praises like that, just.. just.. ", he sighed then continued, "... just do what I told you kid. Alright?", then he smiled.

"Yes sir.", the young investigator answered.

Detective Alred lit a cigarette and suddenly, he asked the young cop, "Hey, by the way, who reported the incident and dialed 911?"

The young investigator replied, "Her name is Margaret Connors sir.."

"What time did she reported the incident?", the chief detective asked.

"According to Intel Reports, around 9pm sir."

"What's her relation to this quote unquote, missing guy?"

"We believe that she's his girlfriend sir."

"Where is she?"

"She's resting inside the ambulance sir. She passed out before we even had an interview with her, sir."

"Oh.. Thank you kid. Perhaps, the best thing is to have a talk with her personally than to ask you, right?" the Chief Detective laughed while smoking his cigarette.

Detective Fred Alred went immediately to the ambulance to check and also ask questions to Margaret Connors. There's a vast crowd of spectators outside the duplex house, (which was also the crime scene) who were all curious on what had happened.

There were yellow lines that said, "POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS". There were also cops and police mobiles outside the crime scene.

When he reached the ambulance, he found a beautiful blonde lady, sitting inside the ambulance seat - SHOCKED and TERRIFIED. It was Margaret Connors.

When Margaret saw a man who was wearing a black leather jacket, and who also looked like an inspector was approaching, she ran towards him in so much panic, and cried out with a loud terrified voice, "WHERE IS HE?! IS HE DEAD INSPECTOR?!! Where is CHARLIE!?" TELL ME FOR PETE'S SAKE!!" Margaret was crying and he even beat the chest of the old inspector with her palm.

The old detective tried to calm down the lady, "Are you alright lady? We will figure this out, okay? And we will find him.. Just calm down okay?"

Chief Inspector Fred Alred, comforted her and made her sat again on the ambulance seat, to calm her down. Then the old detective asked, "You want a cigarette? You smoke?"

"No.. I don't." Margaret answered with a blank face and a trembling voice.

"What shall I call you? Miss? Lady? Margaret? Perhaps, you don't like Ms. Connors because it sounded like I'm addressing your mother, right?", then the old detective chuckled.

Margaret, smiled a little with that old lame joke. "Just call me, Margaret."

The old detective pulled out a piece of paper and pen, and then uttered, "Okay Margaret, I just need to ask you some questions that could help us figure out this incident. Your answers could help us find your dear CHARLIE.. Would you help us Margaret?"

"Yes sir, I will. Just make sure that you'll find Charlie, okay?!"

"In my 35 years in service I had never missed to solve a case, this could be one of the hardest, but I will promise.. I will find CHARLIE.. " the detective spoke with so much confidence and with huge smile on his face. Then, he continued to utter,

"Shall we proceed on our quote unqoute, Question and Answer portion, young lady?"

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