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"Margaret, just answer truthfully and don't be pressured, okay? You are not considered as a suspect, but we need to ask you questions because your answers could become a vital aspect for the investigation that we are conducting, okay? Are we clear on that Margaret?", Chief Detective Fred Alred spoke with a calm soft tone.

"Yes detective.." , Margaret answered but still a little bit shaky.

"So, first question, you were the one who dialed 911 and the first to report the incident, right?", he spoke and penned something on the paper.

"Yes, sir.. I am the one who called 911 after I opened the front door and saw the mess inside."

"What was your initial reaction when you saw that your boyfriend's house was messed up and broken fragments of glass were all scattered on the floor?"

"Well, of course I'm shocked... Terrified.. Beyond belief.. because I saw BLOOD on the floor and on the wrecked glass window on the back part of the house..", Margaret answered with a shaky voice.

Detective Fred sensed the tension and fear in Margaret's voice so he said, "Calm down dear, just take a breather.. and relax.. Okay?", he chuckled then he continued asking.. "You said, terrified, shocked and beyond belief.. but you still managed to open the lights and roam around the back part of that huge duplex house before you call 911, is that what you're saying, Margaret?" he spoked in a mild soft tone and with a huge sarcastic smile.

"Are you accusing me that I'm the one who killed my boyfriend Charlie, huh?!", Margaret hysterically replied with a loud voice.

With a sarcastic grin the veteran detective answered, "No one's accusing you of anything, and no one's been killed Margaret, because we didn't saw a dead body on the crime scene... did you?"

"No I didn't saw a dead body!"

Still with a soft tone and with a sarcastic grin, the detective asked, "Then, why did you use the word 'killed', as if you already know that your boyfriend Charlie is not missing, but dead?"

"Because I saw blood! That's it! Can I have a cigarette.... PLEASE?!, she answered in a loud voice, with her hands shaking and sweating.

"I thought you do not smoke Margaret?", the detective chuckled sarcastically.

"Well, I don't say that I don't..", Margaret uttered in a loud voice.

"Yes, you did... Yes you did." the old detective handed her a cigarette and lit it. He also jot down something on the paper he's holding. "So, back on our Q and A, where were you before you saw the incident?"

But before she had answered the question, Margaret's phone rang. "Excuse me inspector, but can I answer my phone for a minute?!", it was Margaret's turn to smile sarcastically.

"Sure..", the detective replied with a deep sigh.

Margaret answered the phone few meters away from the ambulance, then returned after a few minutes.
"Pardon, what's the question again detective?"

Detective Frank scratched his head and repeated his question, "Where were you before you saw the incident?"

Margaret answered while smoking her cigarette, "I'm at Steve Jenkins Memorial Hospital. I work there, and I am a licensed nurse."

Chief Detective Fred Alred scratched his head again and jot down that info in the piece of paper that he's holding. "How long was your shift today?", he now lost his sarcastic smile and suddenly became puzzled.

"Eight hours plus four hours of overtime. You can do the math for the answer. You can go there and verify all that I have said, inspector.", Margaret spoke with so much confidence.

Detective Fred jot down again the info on his piece of paper, then chuckled and uttered, "Okay.. Okay.. Just one last question Margaret.."

"Sure..", she threw away the cigarette butt on the ground.

"Can you spill out something that you're hiding from me?", he looked Margaret seriously, eye to eye.

Margaret felt some fear with that sinister glance, so she uttered, "Charlie knew that all of this would come.."

Chief Detective Fred Alred was shocked with those words and made him felt so much curiousity, so he uttered in an unease voice, "Spill it out Margaret.. Help us!"

"I spoke with him 3 days before this incident had happened. She told me that if anything happen to him....", Margaret cut it and cried..

"What Margaret? Please, help us... Oh, dear, help us find Charlie.. spill it out.", the detective spoke in a serious, begging tone.

"Three days ago, Charlie said....

Where Is Charlie?[Completed]✔️Where stories live. Discover now