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The investigation room was densed and full of tension.

Chief Detective Fred Alred gazed on both the two suspects suspiciously, while holding the DNA result on his left hand.

Margaret was just looking on the ground, with his face blank, while sitting on the seat behind the door.

Winston continued with his devilish grin and sinister glances. Then once again, he broke the silence, "Cut the bullcrap! I don't to waste time here, so please old man, reveal whose DNA matched the blood found on that freakin' crime scene.", then again, with a devilish look, he slowly gazed at the quiet lady, sitting on her chair.

Chief Detective Fred Alred, spoke with anger, "Shut up you bastard! Now it's already proven! Your DNA matched the blood found in the crime scene and therefore, you, Winston Gavino, is the suspect in the disappearance of Charlie Pistone!"

"What the.....!!!!", Winston Gavino was shocked.

The old detective uttered, "Officer Julius arrest that man and put him in jail!"

Winston reacted furiously because he believe that he was innocent. "I can't believe it old man!! This is your plot!! This is a set up so that you can have a vindication for yourself before you retire! You are both an arsonist and a fireman!! You staged it all by having a conspiracy with that evil lady, because you cannot prove before your very own prosecution panel that I am guilty in all the crimes that I am into! Accuse me of anything I did, it's fine... But accuse me of something I don't know.. It's all bullcrap!

Because of Winston's hostile resistance, the old detective also called the cop who was guarding outside to assist Officer Julius for the arrest of Winston Gavino.

Gavino was pissed off and uttered, "Get your hands off of me! Just let me speak for a minute, then I will come with you peacefully."

The old detective chuckled and threw a mockery on Winston Gavino, "Okay give him the microphone for his final speech before he waved goodbye on us."

Winston stood up straight, closed his fists tightly and continued to do his favorite devilish grin and sinister look, then he uttered in a loud, confident voice, "First of all detective, you know that I have good lawyers, oh no, my mistake, I'm sorry, please let me paraphrase it.. I have the best laywers behind me. And I know that even though you have your lame jokes now, you are still scared because you know that I have the money and I have the power to just easily bail out from any jail that you would throw me. You have a weak testimony, and you have weak evidences, you know why? Because even that blood that matched my DNA could just be planted. It was nothing but a set up. You have a notarized piece of notebook, but where's the dead body? You have blood on the floor, but even me could put blood on my floor.. Think old man.. Think!"

That speech made the old detective to think.. He looked at Margaret and she's just quiet and just staring blankly on the ground.
But he said to himself, "I'll take it one step at a time.. Gavino deserved to be in jail but it's unfair if it was just a set up." So, he said to himself that he would conduct a follow up investigation on Margaret Connors, for the sake of fairness and justice.

But still, evidences are still evidences, so, the old detective seriously spoke, "Winston, I will make sure that this will be the day of retribution for all the evil deeds you've done! Don't worry about the evidences, because before your day on court, when you stand on that day before the judge, I would have sufficient evidences to bury you in hell."

Winston, with his sinister glance, now with a serious face, stood FACE TO FACE WITH THE OLD DETECTIVE then uttered, "Just make sure that you'd bury me deep, lest I rise up and bury you instead."

The old detective taps the shoulder of Winston Gavino and whispered, "I'll carve a marble grave then, just for you."

After that hot exchange of parlance, Officer Julius together with the other policeman, escorted Winston Gavino outside. But before Winston made an exit, he stopped behind Margaret's location and uttered, "Margaret, you invented a notebook, planted an evidence just for one million dollars??!I'm such curious that, if you are just such a gold digger, why didn't you just threw yourself into me? Perhaps I could even double that one million dollars for you.. By the way, that's a rhetorical question, so you don't need to answer. HA-HA-HA-HA." Then Winston Gavino walked out while being escorted to jail by the two police officers.

Margaret was just quiet and blank.

After that, he stood up and said to the old detective, "I am tired detective, I want to go home now. Can you walked me out and help me get a cab?"

Where Is Charlie?[Completed]✔️Where stories live. Discover now