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Chief Detective Fred Alred, together with Officer Julius, drove and went again to the crime scene.
Now, there's no more spectators outside, no more TV News reporters, no more panic and tension, all that was left on the scene were the yellow police lines and just a couple of policemen, eating their doughnuts inside their police mobile, and quote unquote securing the perimeter of the said area.

"Hey lazy bastards!", what a surprise greeting from the old detective.

The two police officers were shocked and went into huge panic when they saw and heard Chief Detective Fred Alred. Officer Julius chuckled at them and then asked, "Was there anything unusual here?"

The two lazy policemen stuttered in so much panic, " No Sir!!"

"Don't ask them, all they know was to eat doughnuts and play Chinese Poker in the middle of the crime scene. Come on Julius, let's do our work inside.", the old detective walked towards the crime scene and Officer Julius followed him.

As they went inside the house, they saw nothing unusual. They conducted a thorough inspection once again, hoping to find another clue that will lead them to a best possible conclusion.


They saw nothing.

So they went to the back part of the house where the mysterious suspect possibly went through or got out to possibly murder Charlie Pistone. The word possibly was used, since it cannot be called as a murder, unless the police found a dead body on the scene or outside the crime scene.

The old detective uttered, "Julius look at the amount of blood here, and the shattered pieces of glass from that broken glass window.."

Julius replied, "There's much blood, sir. Sir, no offense, but I think this is not about looking for Charlie, but its all about finding a dead body, thrown somewhere else."

The old detective knelt his left knee and tried to vividly look on the quote unquote direful scenery on the floor, "Yeah kid, I got your point and I am not offended. That's true, there's really alot of blood here and yes, that idea had already crossed into my mind - that this Charlie Pistone was already dead."

"So, what's bothering you sir?"

"Look at the fragments of the broken glass from the broken window, where was it placed?", with a grin on his face, the old detective stood up and gazed upon Officer Julius.

"It was scattered inside the house, sir.", Officer Julius replied.

"Inside.. Inside..", the old detective nodded his head continuously, and put his left hand under his chin as if trying to think, then he asked Officer Julius a rhetorical question, "If I found it outside, I would conclude that this broken window had been the EXIT POINT of the SUSPECT, but since it was scattered inside, meaning, that this freakin' broken glass window was the ENTRY POINT of the suspect, right Julius?!", the old detective enthusiastically exclaimed.

Officer Julius, with so much enthusiasm and excitement replied rhetorically and said, "AND THAT WOULD EXPLAIN THE BLOOD ON THAT BROKEN GLASS WINDOW!!! RIGHT SIR?"

"Yes Julius! So, if that would be his entry point, and this FEW DROPS OF BLOOD that had been found in this broken window was different from the BLOOD FROM THIS FUNKY FLOOR, then it means that..." the old detective waited for Officer Julius to finish his parlance.

"Then it means that, the SUSPECT was lacerated or wounded!!", Officer Julius exclaimed with so much enthusiasm.

"You have a good brain kid, I believe you have been breast fed like me until you were 10 years old! Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!", the old detective taps the shoulder of Officer Julius and laugh so hard on that joke of him.

Officer Julius uttered while chuckling, "Sir, what will we do now?"

"Officer Julius... task your crew to prepare two warrants for Margaret Connors and once again, for that bastard Winston Gavino, and call to the office that we need it, A.S.A.P.!"

"Then.. What... Sir?"

"Then, right after we prepared the warrant, we will SUMMON THEM IMMEDIATELY to our HEADQUARTERS. We will conduct a thorough investigation on them. Let's see who's telling who or who's telling what. LET'S SEE WHO WAS THIS WOUNDED DEVIL who did this mess!"

So, Officer Julius immediately called someone in the station to prepare a warrant for both Margaret Connors and Winston Gavino.

The two drove down, back to the station headquarters and while waiting for the warrants, they took their LUNCHBREAK at 2pm. When the warrants were prepared at 3:30pm, Chief Detective Fred Alred tasked policemen to summon both Margaret Connors and Winston Gavino to conduct a thorough investigation on them.


After more or less thirty minutes of waiting.. THE TWO SUSPECTS FINALLY ARRIVED..

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