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Charlie looked directly in the eyes of the old detective seriously, then he uttered, "Detective Alred, I need you to listen to what will I say. And I need you to understand every single bit of it, wisely and carefully."

The old detective leaned forward, then uttered in a very serious tone, "Agreed."

So, Charlie began to utter his plans and proposition, "Like what I have said from the very beginning of this conversation, it will be a game choices. From now on, everything will happen according to your preffered choice. All you need is to answer my question, is it fine with you?"

The old detective was puzzled and at the same time nervous, so he asked, "I just wanted to remind you Charlie Pistone, that even though I wanted Gavino to burn in hell, I would never do something that would stained my hands. So, if you are planning an assasination plot to literally kill him... OH BOY, I'M NOT IN. I would never barter my DIGNITY for PERSONAL VENDETTA."

Charlie chuckled, "No.. No.. No... No Detective Alred, that's not what I am planning... THOUGH I REALLY WANTED TO DO THAT MYSELF, BUT NO... you're thinking so far from what I am planning to do."

The old detective was somehow reassured, so he spoke, "Then, if it's not about an assasination plot.. Spill it out, and I'll listen."

Charlie turned serious once again and asked a very blunt question to the old detective, "Do you want WORSE or WORST for Winston Gavino?"

The old detective was intrigued, so he uttered, "What if I choose, 'WORSE' ?"

Charlie replied, "Well, If you choose 'WORSE', I'll give you my word, that I'll supply you with all the sufficient evidences that you'll ever need to bury Winston Gavino, and I'll assure you that he'll rot in jail forever."

The old detective was nervous, but at the same time, thrilled. "There's much WORSE THAN THAT?!! Well, I'm intrigued to hear what will happen if I say 'WORST'?"

Charlie answered with A HUGE SMILE ON HIS FACE, "If that will be your choice, I'll make sure that he will suffer so much pain and agony, to the point that he himself will wish death more than life. But let me just warn you, that if you choose this option, I will need to ask a little favor from you."

The old detective was tensed and at the same time puzzled. He was bounded in Charlie's Game of Choices, and the fate of Winston Gavino was at stake. But while he was thinking for an answer, there's a flashback of memories that came all of a sudden. He remembered the innocent face of his lovely daughter Georgina, and how Charlie Pistone told him the horrid acts that Winston Gavino had done, not only to her daughter but also to other innocent people who live peacefully in Little Town.


With so much fury the old detective uttered, "I want to know first about that little favor that you'll ask from me, before I choose... 'WORST'"

Charlie seriously uttered, "I NEED YOU TO DO SOMETHING FOR ME."

There's an unexplained fear that gripped the old detective, upon hearing what Charlie Pistone had said. So he asked in a very serious and curious tone, "What is it that you want me to do?"

Charlie uttered, "SILENCE."

"What do you mean about SILENCE?"

Charlie looked straightly on the old detective's eyes and said, "I need you to forget about Charlie Pistone and all the things you have heard and you will hear from me. You never saw me...You never heard me... You only saw the GHOST OF ME... If you agreed with my terms, then I'll assure you THE WORST for that devil, WINSTON GAVINO."

"Okay, I choose WORST.", the old detective agreed.

Charlie uttered in a serious tone, "Are you sure, detective? Because, I must remind you that you can't change what you have already decided once you already made up your mind."

"Okay, Charlie Pistone, I agree. Now, amaze me with your MAGIC.", the old detective uttered.

Charlie laughed then uttered, "First, I need you to contact Julius and tell him that there's a black shoebox inside the garbage can, outside your headquarters, then tell him to look what's inside.", then he smiled.

So the old detective WITH SO MUCH CURIOUSITY ABOUT CHARLIE AND CHARLIE'S PLAN, he dialed Officer Julius number. When the officer had answered the call, he uttered, "Julius, don't ask questions and just do exactly what I'll say, okay? Go outside the headquarters and see if there's black shoebox inside the garbage can and check if there's something substantial inside. It's not a bomb so don't panic, got it?"

"Okay sir!", Julius replied.

Officer Julius muttered to himself, "That old man is acting strange."
He immediately and curiously went outside the headquarters, and he was shocked when he saw that all that the old detective had said, was ALL TRUE. So he talked to the old detective through the phone and enthusiastically uttered what he saw..
"Confirmed! There's a black shoebox here sir and you'd be amazed on what's inside this box!!"

The old detective was curious, so he asked enthusiastically, "What's inside that box Julius?! Tell me!!"

"Sir.. It's... It's almost unbelievable! There's tapes, audio and video recording perhaps and there are also surveillance photos of Winston Gavino together with the MAFIA and the WELL-KNOWN and MOST WANTED CRIMINALS in the city!! This is evidence sir!! These are all we need to bury that MONSTER, GAVINO!! I want to cry out of so much joy, sir, for real!!"

The old detective chuckled, "You bastard kid, don't act like a baby! HE-HE-HE-HE! Now, Julius, listen to me carefully."

"What's that sir?"

Review all that video and audio recordings carefully. After you finished doing it, prepare a warrant of arrest for WINSTON GAVINO BASE ON ALL THE EVIDENCE THAT YOU ARE NOW HOLDING. And by the way, Officer Julius, DROP the CHARLIE PISTONE case for a while and just focus your attention with the things I had told to you, are we clear?"

"Copy sir!" Julius replied. Then the old detective cut the call after that.

Chief Detective Fred Alred smiled on Charlie and said, "Thank you so much!"

Charlie scratched his head and chuckled, "We're just getting started, detective. Do you want to know what's coming next?"

The old detective curiously replied, "Amuse me..", then he chuckled.

Charlie replied, "I will explain it later, but first, I want you to go back to Little Town immediately today after you finsihed eating your lunch here."


Charlie uttered with a HUGE SMILE ON HIS FACE, then replied, "I tell you later why. But for now, open the door, because I think that your lovely Georgina is already frozen out there, waiting. Let her in and let's eat lunch together."

The old detective ran towards the door like a kid, with so much mixed emotions.


....when he opened the door, Georgina hugged him so tight and they were both filled with tears of joy.

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