before the final showdown..

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When the old detective arrived at Little Town, he immediately received a phone call from an anonymous someone but he still answered it. The old detective heard the familiar relaxed, yet authoritative tone of CHARLIE PISTONE.

Charlie uttered, "Detective, I need you to listen carefully to the things that I'll say, because today will be the day of retribution for all the evil deeds that Winston Gavino had done."

The old detective felt the goosebumps on his arms after he had heard Charlie's words. He was just amazed that Charlie was speaking, as if this mysterious guy was so sure that everything was knitted thoroughly, and everything will exactly happen, according to his mysterious plot.

The old detective answered, "Now that I am already here in Little Town, tell me exactly how you had planned the WORST for Winston Gavino, Charlie Pistone."

"I have THREE THINGS TO SAY, detective, but as you had promised, I asked for your SILENCE about me."

"Okay Charlie Pistone. I don't really know the hell about you, so don't worry, there's nothing much to say, really." Then, with a serious tone, the detective continued, then seriously asked, "GIVE ME A REASON WHY A HIGH RANKING OFFICER LIKE ME, WOULD LISTEN TO A MYSTERIOUS MAN LIKE YOU..."

Charlie chuckled, "I tell you detective, and please do believe me, that if I tell you exactly who I am, I needed to kill you. But all I can say is that, I consider myself... HIGHER THAN YOU. It's better for you not to know me exactly... But I promise to you that after we bury Gavino, I'll give you a hint about me, then go figure out for yourself, who I am, if you're really interested to know more of me."

The old detective chuckled, "After you said the part that you have to kill me if you tell me exactly who you are... You already gave me a clue about you, Charlie.. And I guess that even you're name is just a made up name.. Right?"

Charlie just chuckled in reply, so the old detective uttered, "Okay, I'll cut the crap.. Spill THOSE THREE THINGS of yours."

Charlie chuckled then uttered, "First, there's an old little chapel in Morel Street, two blocks from the French Restaurant that Georgina had previously worked. Prepare a search warrant, then send Julius there with enough policemen that would act as his back up. Don't go with them because I have prepared the best for you."

The old detective was puzzled and confused about the first information that Charlie had said, but at the same time, he was amazed that Charlie knew so much about police procedures, so he asked, "What's.. What's with that church? What's with that little chapel, and what's with the back up?"

Charlie answered immediately, "It's just a FRONT! Gavino owns it. That devil Gavino is just using it as a front to KEEP HIS PRIVATE STASH, ILLEGAL DRUGS AND CONTRABANDS. There are five armed men who're guarding the place, including a FAKE PRIEST.. So, it's best for him to have a back up, just in case it all goes bloody and messy."

The old detective was puzzled, so he curiously asked, "Where the hell did you get that intel? How sure are you that I will not get embarrass with your information?"

Charlie chuckled, "I guess it's your choice.. whether to believe or not.."

The old detective spoke, "Okay, I'll ask Julius to prepare a search warrant and I'll task him to go on that little chapel immediately with back ups, after the search warrant's been made. So, Charlie, what's the other TWO MORE THINGS?"

Charlie continued, "This is the second thing. After I cut the call, I need you to task someone immediately, to relocate all the people and all civilians who are currently inside the casino that Winston Gavino owns, and secure them in a safe place, perhaps 500 meters away from that Casa Italia. Do it after I cut the call, do you understand clearly, Detective?"

The old detective was shocked after Charlie had said those words, so he curiously ask, "Why Charlie?! What the hell are you planning to do with Winston's casino?!"

Charlie answered, "YOU'LL KNOW LATER.. But first I wanted you to know that the money inside the vault of the casino was already been stolen by someone I don't know who, but all the money and the riches of Winston Gavino, will be equally distributed to all indigent people in Little Town. So, just do what I have said, then you'll know EVERYTHING ABOUT IT when everybody's been relocated into a safe place, are we clear on this detective?"

The old detective was puzzled and at the same time curious, so he tried to ask the the third and last thing of Charlie's plan. "Charlie, let's cut the crap and just spill out your last plan.."

Charlie uttered, "The last thing I'll say, is where I'll sent you, PERSONALLY."

The old detective lit a cigarette to ease his nervousness, then uttered, "Damn Charlie, I hate suspense.. So just spill it out, for pete's sake!"

Charlie Pistone uttered, "For the main event, I need you to chase Gavino personally."

The old detective became thrilled, so with mixed fury and excitement, "I'm happy that you save the best for me! Tell me the details.. Now..!"

Charlie chuckled, then replied, "Two hours from now, there'll be a boat, carrying illegal contrabands and drugs for Gavino. And the devil himself, Winston Gavino will be at the Mystic River to personally check it. This will finally be your chance, to caught him in the act of doing his evil deeds and PERSONALLY ARREST HIM. But also make sure that you'll bring back ups, for safety. I'll cut the call now, detective... BEST OF LUCK to you."


The old detective immediately drove towards the headquarters and call the attention of everyone.

"Everyone, listen to me because I had gathered a very reliable intel report from a very reliable ASSET."

Then, Chief Detective Fred Alred, spilled out the information that Charlie had said, and everyone in the police department were excited and thrilled.

Most of them, specially Officer Julius, cannot believe on HOW THE OLD DETECTIVE had gathered those substantial, intelligence reports. But because of his so much respect for the old detective, he dare not ask a single question.

Chief Detective Fred Alred, wisely and carefully distributed the task, and assigned everyone to their proper positions and designation. They immediately finished the distribution of tasks in less than an hour and immediately went into their respected designation.

The old detective, together with his back ups...

Estimated the time...


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