tracking margaret..

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Chief Detective Fred Alred's mind was puzzled and filled with so much confusions. He was seating on his table and working overtime now. He pulled out the file of Margaret Connors and he was totally shocked when he saw it!!
"Julius!!... Julius!!... Come on here, now!"

Julius ran across the headquarters hall towards the Chief Detective's office. Julius exhaustedly uttered, "What's wrong sir?"

"Why didn't you told me this?", the old officer was pointing something from the foldered file of Margaret Connors.

"What's that sir?", Officer Julius was curious.

"You didn't told me that Margaret filed a sick leave and scheduled a flight to Minnesota, a week before the incident occured, and that the said flight is scheduled tomorrow morning! I'LL BE DAMNED." the old detective was pissed off.

"Oh because it was for her sick mother who resides in Minnesota, sir. It seemed to me that it's not suspicious at all. And as far as I know, Margaret Connors is not a suspect now and the real one had been already caught, am I right sir?"

The old detective was totally pissed off with Officer Julius, "Julius, I will ask you a rhetorical question. Is it a concidence that you filed a sick leave, scheduled yourself for a flight, then a day or two before your supposed flight, you had been a suspect for a quote unquote murder case? You know Julius, I hate to say this because I really love to see Gavino suffer in jailbars but I have a hunch that Winston is innocent on this, and somehow and in some point, I smell something fishy on Margaret Connors."

"But Sir, Winston's DNA matched the blood that had been found in the glass window. Margaret is now declared as innocent, and Gavino as guilty." Officer Julius was so curious and puzzled.

The old detective lit up a cigarette and uttered, "Julius, do you remember when Margaret told us that he assisted Winston and get a blood sample from that prick? A nurse can have an access to get that blood samples again and spray it on that broken window using a syringe to make it look like - DROPLETS OF BLOOD. You know Julius, I do have a hunch that she was also the one who stuck that scalpel and placed it on an edge-up position, on the top of the plastic table where Gavino place his arms and wrist. Again, I hate to say it, because I really do hate to admit that Winston was right, when he had said that this is a SET UP!"

Julius became more puzzled, "But what about the mess in the house and Charlie's blood on the floor? And among all the peope in the world, why would she choose to frame up Winston Gavino? My mind is literally whirling right now."

The old detective uttered, "I don't have an answer on your first question, but the second one is so easy to answer -WINSTON GAVINO IS A DEVIL, that's why. But you know Julius, I think and I believe that by TRACKING DOWN Margaret Connors in Minnesota, we could gather some facts that would help us prove that there's something wrong and strange about this incident. We can also have the chance to verify if she's telling the truth about her ill mother and if they really do reside, somewhere in Minnesota. There's nothing wrong on trying, right Julius?"

Julius was speechless and was just amazed on the way that the old detective thought about many possibilities, so he asked with a huge smile on his face, "So what do you want me to do sir?"

"Book me a much earlier FLIGHT to MINNESOTA. And I need you to stay here and give me an update on Gavino tomorrow. I will travel all alone."

"Copy, sir.", Julius replied.

"But by the way, does the hospital supervisor mentioned to you the exact location of Margaret's abode in Minnesota?", the old detective asked.

"Embarrass, sir". Julius replied with a huge smile.

"Why are you embarrass?", the old detective was curious.

"No sir! The place is called EMBARRASS TOWNSHIP, located in St. Louis County, Minnesota. It is the coldest place in Minnesota, averaging an annual 1.4 degrees Celcius. So try to wear thick clothes sir."

"Thank you Mr.Google for that information but how can I find the exact house on that place.", the old detective threw another lame joke, then laugh.

"I am quite sure that you can find it, since there's only 607 people living there according to the census conducted in 2010."

The old detective was amazed, so he smiled huge then uttered, "Okay, I am now amazed Einstein. So, I guess just call me after you booked a flight for me, and just wish me luck for tomorrow. I'll go home now to prepare for tomorrow, thank you Julius."

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