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Since there's three groups and three tasks to perform on that very night, Chief Detective Fred Alred named each teams, as ALPHA unit, BRAVO unit, and CHARLIE unit.

The Alpha unit, led by Officer Julius, was tasked to go to the little chapel to verify if it was really just a front, to hide Winston Gavino's supply of illegal drugs, contrabands and other private stash.

The Bravo unit was tasked to evacuate and transfer all the people and civilians from the casino that Gavino owned, into a safe place, for the fear of a possible tragic incident that might occur.

Then, the Charlie unit, led by Chief Detective Fred Alred, was tasked to caught Gavino in the act of doing his illegal business and arrest him.

The old detective and his back up team were scattered and hiding on different hiding spots, just in case a possible shoot out might happen.

So, once again, the old detective lit a cigarette while waiting for Gavino and for the boat that was carrying the illegal contrabands and drugs that Charlie said that would arrive on the Mystic River.


A young policeman taps the shoulder of the old detective and uttered in a very low tone voice, "Sir, I received a call from the BRAVO unit, they said that they're finished relocating all the people and all civilians who were inside  Casa Italia, sir. And they also said that WINSTON GAVINO was not there in his casino, so he's probably on his way right here, sir."

The old detective uttered in reply, "Thanks for the update young man. But what about the ALPHA unit? Is there any update about them, huh?"

"I'll verify sir.. Then, I'll let you know."

The old detective was so excited, but at the same time, nervous, on what would be the possible outcome of Charlie Pistone's plans, to make the worse of worst to Winston Gavino. The old detective was still puzzled, but he knew to himself that this is not the hour to think about doubts and fears.

"THIS IS RETRIBUTION.", he muttered to himself.


After 10 minutes, the boat carrying the illegal drugs and contrabands, had finally arrived! Now, all they're waiting was the arrival of Winston Gavino to caught him in the act of his evil deeds.

Once again, the young policeman taps the shoulder of the old detective and uttered again in a soft voice, but now, WITH SO MUCH ENTHUSIASM..
"Sir, the ALPHA UNIT had already contacted us..."

"Cut the crap! I hate cliff-hangers damn kid!", the old detective uttered.

"I'm sorry sir. The BRAVO unit said that they already raided the little chapel you're saying.... You're right sir, it's just Gavino's front to hide all the stinky stuff that he's hiding! But I want to inform you that Officer Julius was reportedly shot in the shootout, but they killed the gunman, and the other armed men were all in critical condition at Steve Jenkins Memorial Hospital."

Out of so much panic, the old detective immediately pulled out his phone and dialed Officer Julius personal number...

It just kept on ringing.. and ringing.. and ringing..

Where Is Charlie?[Completed]✔️Where stories live. Discover now