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It was a typical investigation room - dim lights, steel chairs face to face with a not so huge stainless steel table in the middle of it, located in the middle of the room.

Chief Detective Fred Alred sitting on one of the chairs in front of Margaret Connors who was the first one to sit on the hotseat. Officer Julius was standing on the door of the investigation room -guarding. While Winston Gavino was waiting on one of the rooms of the headquarters, waiting for his turn.

"How dare you make me a suspect in this crime!", in mad low tone, Margaret Connors opened the quote unquote conversation.

"Margaret, I will bluntly ask you, why do you have a HUGE DEEP CUT on your LEFT index finger?", the old detective straightforwardly and seriously asked.

Margaret was shocked with that straightforward inquiry. She doesn't even knew the relevance and importance of the question, so, she can't utter a word.

"I asked a question Margaret, where the hell did you get that wound!? Answer it, damn it!", the old detective almost lost his temper when he saw the huge deep cut on Margaret's LEFT INDEX FINGER.

"An onion..", Margaret answered in a low toned voice.

"What onion? Please don't waste my time Margaret, and please elaborate all of your answers from now on, because this inquiry is recorded."

"Okay! Fine! For pete's sake! I was just chopping an onion early this morning! I was preparing my breakfast! I didn't even came to work because I was terrified and at the same time exhausted from the last night's baneful incident and now... I AM STUCKED HERE, BEING INTERROGATED! WHAT A DAMN DAY!" Margaret answered furiously.

"Are you right handed or left handed?"

Margaret almost cussed, she was so pissed off, "Why are you asking me such nonsense?! Huh?!"

"Just answer it Margaret!"

"I am right handed!"

"Okay, calm down lady!"

"I am calm!"

Then the old detective stood up and asked, "Margaret, why didn't you told me that you knew Winston Gavino when I asked you some inquiries last night?"

"I did told you about Winston Gavino! Are you deaf or something!???"

The old detective chuckled then uttered, "No you didn't told me about Winston Gavino. You just pointed me to him and labeled an accusation that he could be the possible suspect in this case, but you didn't tell me that you knew Winston Gavino. Well lady, for your information, Winston Gavino seemed to know you because when I asked him about the disappearance of your boyfriend Charlie, he told me that 'Ask Margaret Connors, and not me!"

"Then, where's your question there? It was all your rhetorics.", Margaret sarcastically laughed.

The old detective seriously asked, "The question is simply this, and let me put it bluntly to you: 'Margaret are you lying to us?' Are you hiding some truth to us? Are you responsible for the disappearance of your boyfriend, Charlie Pistone!?"

Margaret continued on her sarcastic laughs as if teasing the old detective, "Now, that's a lot of question. What do you want me to answer first? The first, the second or the third one?", then Margaret laughed.

Where Is Charlie?[Completed]✔️Where stories live. Discover now