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"Like what Margaret had said, Charlie basically knew that all of this would happen.. Perhaps he knew who the suspect was, so he left this clue on the floor..", Chief Detective muttered to HIMSELF.

There was no bookshelf on the sala, and not everywhere on the first floor.
So, Chief Detective Fred Alred, together with the young officer named Julius, went upstairs to find out if the clue that Charlie left, would be vital and true. Upon entering the second floor of the house, the veteran detective became curious that the second floor was all clean and not messed up! "If it was a theft or robberry, a thief would not search a "treasure chest" in THE SALA, but a thief would search for it inside the owner's BEDROOM!", he said to Julius.

Julius replied, "What are you implying Sir?"

The old, wise, veteran detective answered, "There was no proof of robbery since nothing was missing except the owner of this house. So, this is not a robbery. But if we supposed that this is a murder, then, where is the dead body? So, we can't also call this a murder.", the veteran detective smiled sarcastically after he finished saying those words.

Officer Julius was amazed on what the veteran detective had said. "So, what's in your mind now sir?", Julius asked.

"Hmmm..", Detective Alred lit another cigarette and uttered, "I am thinking that this case will only be solved upon the evidences that we could gather here and from the people who really knew who this CHARLIE is and was."

Officer Julius asked curiously, "I am really curious sir... about this victim.. ABOUT THIS CHARLIE."

" 'Who is Charlie'.. That's another point that we must look at. I sent another officer a moment ago to gather information about this Charlie Pistone. But for now, I guess we should look first on that freakin' bookshelf that he's saying."

"I agree on you sir.", Julius replied. He was so amazed on how veteran and how sharp Chief Detective Fred Alred handled the situation.

Fortunately, upon entering the master's bedroom they saw the quote unquote bookshelf  that they were both looking for. And like they have expected, it was all clean and not messed up. Everything was on its proper place and everything was properly arranged.

Detective Alred uttered, "He wrote on that paper, 'BOOKSHELF', but this is a DAMN HECK OF A LIBRARY!"

There was a huge 8 feet high and 16 feet wide mahogany wood bookshelf filled with so many books in it. The two inspectors, like what was written on the crampled paper, looked for something unusual in the bookshelf.

"I'll start in the left, you go right and let's meet in the middle, kid. This quote unquote bookshelf was so damn huge to jot down as a bookshelf, don't you think of that also Julius?", Detective Alred laughed so hard.

"We'll be damned sir!", they both laughed so hard.

They started looking for something unusual. "There's nothing unusual here sir!", Julius exclaimed.

The old detective smiled and replied, "Well, if you look all the genres of the book here, you'll find it strange and unusual."

"What's with the book sir?"

"It's all classics but its all about Mafia, Mystery, Prison Break, Crime, and Murder. The Godfather; Count of Monte Cristo; Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption; Sherlocke Holmes; The Green Mile; etc! It looks like this man will plan a bank theft or something..", he chuckled.

"You sure knew a lot of books sir.. I am truly amazed."

"I am a keener, kid..", then he saw book that made him so curious.. "This is Donnie Brasco.."

"What about that book, sir?"

"It's a memoir of a former Federal Agent, I didn't read the book but I saw the movie starring Johnny Depp and Al Pacino." But when Detective Alred pulled the book, a little handy notebook fell on the ground.

"What's that sir...?!! Is that it?!!", Julius exclaimed curiously.

"Holy.... Cow! I'll..... Be....... Damned!"

Chief Detective picked up the little handy notebook and scanned it.. Then, he uttered with so much intensity,

"Julius..... Prepare a WARRANT.... for that bastard Winston Gavino.... NOW..!!!"

"What was on that little notebook, sir?"

"Just do what I say, Julius!!!", Detective Alred exclaimed.

Where Is Charlie?[Completed]✔️Where stories live. Discover now