One Thing You Should Know

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I did the impossible and wrote another chapter. Enjoy :)
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Jungkook stumbled across the threshold and closed the door behind him. He took a deep breath and slumped on the floor in the hallway. He felt tired, and the thought of having to wake up early in the morning for school made him want to stay right there on the floor forever.

One minute longer in his presence and I would totally pass out...

He grabbed his books from the floor and dragged his tired body into his room. It was very late, he left his phone back in his room, when he was at Taehyung's apartment and now he found one missed call... From Yugyeom?

Oh Gyomie, I wish you were here now and save me from this... Strange things keep happening to me... The secrets Taehyung-hyung was talking about... could I possibly share mine with my best friend? Would he judge me? Probably... I judge myself too...

--Are you sleeping?-- he typed drowsily.

--You just woke me up T_T --

--Sorry, I thought it was something urgent, when you called so late.--

--Not at all. I just wanted to talk. Have you forgotten about me?--

--How could I? Kekeke. How is Busan?--

--Wow, so insensitive... you don't even care how I AM...--

--I know, that if you feel bad, you would let me know right away -_- --

--Cold hearted as always, I am hurt.--

Jungkook giggled, he was so tired that he didn't care about taking a shower or changing his clothes. He just slipped off his jeans and stretched on the bed wearing T-shirt and his underwear.

--You know I miss you, pabo.--

--I miss you too, Kook.--

--So what did you want to talk about?--

--I will talk to you in person, when I come. I already have a train ticket reserved.--

--Now I'm curious. You have to tell me.--

--I won't kekeke--

--You are annoying, you deserve to be woken up every time.--

--The same old evil Kook as I remember... How are you doing by the way?--

-I'm suffering.--

--Because of all the girls chasing after you?*wiggles eyebrow* --

--I will tell you in person :P --

--Who's annoying now...--

--I have to go, Gyeomie.-- Jungkook was in danger of his phone falling on his face.

--Ok. Don't die without me.--

-- *dies* --

--Good night ded Kook.--


With his eyes half closed he set an alarm for the morning and passed out splayed on his bed.

Waking up in the morning was cruel, Jungkook followed his daily morning routine. He had a bit of extra time, so he looked up a tutorial on how to tie a tie. He knew, that he will run into Taehyung, either in the elevator or at the bus stop and wanted to impress him with perfectly tied tie. Despite his effort, the knot still didn't look as nice as when Taehyung did it for him, he ran out of time, so he left it as it was.

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