Movie Night

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I decided to post another chapter :) As always I hope you'll enjoy it :)
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Jungkook turned on the TV, because the apartment was too quiet for his liking. This week I can do whatever I want... I should make some plans... Definitely eat a lot, sleep a lot, play a lot of games... He grabbed a seaweed snack and plopped onto the couch in front of the TV.

--How are you feeling? Are you sad?-- Taehyung sent him another message.

--I'm fine.--

Jungkook felt bad for creating this whole lie, but at the same time it wasn't far from truth. He did break up with his girlfriend and she did live in Busan. The breakup just happened over a month ago. And she obviously doesn't miss me... probably doesn't even think about me at all... Well, I don't think about her that much either... Lately, my mind has been occupied mainly with him...

--Are your parents gone?--

--Yeah.-- He finished his seaweed, then dug out some kimchi and rice.

--So we are both on our own this week...--


--You seem upset.--

I'm just stuffing my face...

--Maybe a little bit.-- Subconsciously, Jungkook was trying to spend more time with Taehyung.

--Do you need company? I'm at home, I have no work this week either.--

It's YOU who needs company, that's why I'm choosing you over my family...

--Do you want to watch a movie?-- Jungkook suggested.

--Sure. Your place or my place?--

--You haven't been in mine yet, it's about time.--

--Ok. Can I come now?--

Jungkook put a huge spoonful of rice in his mouth, then quickly hid the evidence, putting the dishes in the dishwasher, throwing away the seaweed packaging.


I should've thought this through a bit more... damn it! He ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Should I change my clothes? God knows for how long I've been wearing this T-shirt. My room is a total mess... maybe I have a bit of time to... There was a knock on the door. Instead of brushing his teeth, he took a swig of mouthwash, swishing it around in his mouth for two seconds, then spitting it out. He then ran to open the door.

Do I act sad, depressed, angry? Oh God, what do I do? He's going to be here! Just two of us alone... no parents... This was a bad idea... I can't panic though... He opened the door, behaving as calmly as he could.

"Give me a hand Jungkookie," Taehyung was holding several boxes.

"What in the..."

"Help your hyung."

Jungkook grabbed one of the cardboard boxes.

"Are you moving in, hyung?"

"Oh, would you want me to?"

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