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I've been feeling quite down lately, but writing fanfics always make me happy. As aways I hope you enjoy :)
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What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Jungkook was sitting on the couch in his room  after the dinner, wearing comfortable sweatpants and T-shirt.

Would like to meet me? ME?! Someone wants to get to know me after my first day in school, I should count it as a success, I guess... But, why him?

He buried his shoulders deep into the soft couch. He had been pacing back and forth in his room earlier, and his legs were hurting.

There's nothing wrong with it. We just moved in. So I'm a new neighbor, we go to the same school, we are probably the same age, he wants to be friends. He rolled over to lie on his belly.

Wasn't I the one trying to start up the conversation at the bus stop? He couldn't help but cringe, thinking back about the embarrassing moment.

He's most likely a weirdo if he wants to friends with me after seeing me looking like a mess, leaving the apartment this morning, coughing my lungs out and then sprinting out of the bus...

He tossed himself onto the bed. He's been having an internal conversation for about an hour now. He ate his dinner earlier, thinking about nothing else but that guy. His mom hasn't tried to encourage him to talk to people anymore, as he made his annoyance with her show as best as he could. His dad was busy with his new job and couldn't care less about his antisocial son making friends or not.

Well, I'm weird too. I can't stop thinking about one boy. There must be something seriously wrong with me.

It was getting late and he needed to wake up early for school tomorrow. He took a quick shower, using his favorite cherry soap and brushed his teeth. When he was already in the comfort of the soft duvet, he grabbed his phone. He wanted to call Yugyeom, he was so confused for some reason and wanted to talk to someone. It was too late though, and his best friend also had school tomorrow.

Jungkook sighed, and was about to set his alarm. The flashbacks of the morning came in.

Hell no. I'm not meeting him again. He set his alarm forty minutes earlier. Kim Whateveryournameis, thanks for causing me sleep deprivation, asshole. He was so tired, that he drifted off to sleep immediately.

The alarm rang painfully early. Jungkook kept waking up through the night, tossing and turning, for which he blamed the new bed and mattress.

His parents were still at home, eating breakfast together.

"You look horrible, son," his dad commented on his appearance dryly.

"I told you to not eat so much ramyeon for dinner, now your face is puffy," mom was judging him from her seat at the table.

"Good morning to you too," he said, his voice raspy. He grabbed some cereal, milk and the largest bowl he could find. He ate his breakfast listening to his parents discussing why he looks so bad. He was too tired to react, so he just finished his enormous bowl of cereal, washed himself and changed into his uniform without saying a word. He replicated the same sloppy knot on his tie as yesterday, threw textbooks into his backpack and left.

He successfully avoided Kim Asshole and was already on the bus to school, ready for another day of everyone ignoring him.

The whole week went on like this. He kept on getting up really early, taking the bus to school, then back home, parents nagging, going to bed, repeat. The next week wasn't any different. Thanks to Jungkook leaving so early each morning, there was no sight of Kim Screwyou. On the other hand, he was feeling sleepy and tired all the time. Some tests came around in school and he hasn't done well either. Truthfully he's failed them all completely.

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