Coming Out

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This week I had started my second job, so basically I'm working from morning till evening. It's very stressful and exhausting and it leaves me with no free time. It also means, that I won't be able to update as frequently :( I had to sacrifice many hours of sleep to write this chapter but I can't help it, I think I'm addicted to writing! Realistically, I think I'm capable of updating once a week, which is not so bad... As always I hope you enjoy :)
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"That Kim Taehyung? Your neighbor?!"Yugyeom stood up and started pacing in front of the park bench where Jungkook was sitting, with his shoulders slumped.

"Yeah,"his head dropped down too.

"You like him?!"


"Like...really like him?"

"I really like him,"he repeated after him.

"What the hell Kook! Why?"Yugyeom brushed a strand of hair from his face frantically, keeping a distance from Jungkook

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"What the hell Kook! Why?"Yugyeom brushed a strand of hair from his face frantically, keeping a distance from Jungkook.

"Why? How the fuck am I supposed to know?! Can you chose to like someone? I didn't choose to like's just happened..."

"Wait a minute. Have you always been..."

"No, this is a completely new feeling for me. I've been freaking out about this for weeks!I wanted to tell about it, but a reaction like yours is exactly what I've been worried about,"Jungkook felt like he was becoming smaller in front of his friend. He wanted to curl up and hide somewhere.

Why did I even bother telling him?

"What do you expect me to say?! Congratulations?"

"No..."he shook his head,"but it's hard to deal with, maybe you could say something like..."

What do I want him to say? What do I want to hear? Something like "It's completely normal, there's nothing wrong with you, I'll support you..." Who am I kidding? He would never say that...

"You...actually, you don't have to say anything...Trust me, I've tried to not like him, I tried to run away, avoid him...even hate him...but I couldn't function like that,"he started sobbing uncontrollably, he knew that people in the park were looking at him, but he couldn't fight the tears any longer.

"Maybe you should've tried harder,"Yugyeom spit out without any empathy.

"Yugyeom, I tried to kill myself..."he choked out, looking up with teary eyes.

"What?! Wh...what did you say?"Yugyeom was completely freaking out, pacing in front of him like a wild animal.

"You heard me... I thought ending my life would've been better than living like this. I know what you think. You think that I'm a freak, gross, disgusting...and I get it, because that's exactly how I feel! I don't want to be like this, but I cannot be any other way or else I'll go crazy."

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