Second Date

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One special chapter for this week. I have a difficult exam next week and probably won't be able to update that soon. Enjoy :)
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Jungkook had no idea, what just happened. He took the bus home after he parted ways with Yoongi.

That was the strangest thing ever... Who on Earth would just walk up to someone they don't know, pay for their meal and then lecture me... Jimin is his? What the fuck was that all about?! Well... at least I'm not starving anymore...

The bus stopped and some students in yellow uniforms got on, his eyes quickly searched for the one face he's been looking for. He wasn't among them... One girl from his school sat down next to Jungkook and he shifted uncomfortably closer to the bus window. Her skirt was ridiculously short almost exposing too much, Jungkook immediately averted his eyes and kept looking at the dried leaves rustling along the road as the bus was speeding down.

Wait... isn't she from my class? He peeped at her carefully, she caught him looking at her, fluttered her eyelashes and tucked her long hair behind her ear in a flirty manner.

Oh my God...oh my God...oh my God... He swallowed hard. Where is the next goddamn stop!

She cleared her throat, ready to say something, but when the bus stopped, Jungkook pushed through her out of the bus and started walking away quickly.

Please don't follow me... don't follow me... please... The bus drove by and he was too scared to look behind him, to see if she got off the bus too. After walking for few minutes, he dared to look back. There was no one. However he had no idea where he was.

Phew... that was close... Thank God... He wrapped his jacket closer around him and decided to walk instead of waiting for the next bus. I'm a dumbass... Oh why am I so stupid... He kept kicking fallen acorns from the sidewalk. Oak trees were lining the road on both sides, coated in warm rusty colors. I could've talked to her... She's one of the prettier ones in the class... She's actually really pretty... ugh, I'm not good with girls, I always panic. It seemed like she wasn't with that group of students... so she was alone... That was a perfect chance to talk to her... I messed up... Well there's always another chance... maybe I can try and talk to her in school. But that flirty behavior... wasn't it a bit too much? It was more off putting, rather than alluring... It made him really uncomfortable.

He walked along some street vendors, who were starting to sell bungeoppang, he couldn't resist to buy one

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He walked along some street vendors, who were starting to sell bungeoppang, he couldn't resist to buy one. He took a bite of the sweet pastry and continued walking... I somehow don't find that behavior exciting anymore... thinking back... was there a time when I liked it? I just followed whatever the other guys liked and were doing... they used to laugh at me saying that I'm scared of girls... Honestly ... I... I don't think I've ever like girls that much... He sat down on the bench to process his thoughts, his heart beating fast. Have I always been like this? Just ignoring it?! The sun almost set on the horizon, the shadows of the trees long. Jungkook was thankful for the breeze as he had difficulty breathing... I... I can't believe it... I've probably always been like this... He started shaking, not wanting to accept the truth. Then, that means I've lied to so many people... my first girlfriend, my best friend, my parents... What will they say?! It's not just a little secret... it's who I am... as a person. He heard some dogs barking in the distance and noticed the street lights were already turned on and it was dark.

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