Chapter Fourteen

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 WOW! I haven't updated in quite literally over a year. I have no excuses. Just didn't want to. But I hope you enjoy and HOPEFULLY I'll post another chapter in the next week. I know this isn't that long or eventful but it's something. I doubt anyone will be reading it anyway since you've all probably forgotten about this story by now. But I've read your comments and I'm glad you like the story. Enjoy!!! PS: This isn't edited.


He forcefully pushes me away from the door so he can get in.

''Get out!'' Alette yells.

''Alette, please just listen to me.''

I stand in the doorway, unsure of what to do.

''I said get out!''

'' What happened tonight was because we keep stirring things up with other wolves to try to find her. You were in danger!''

''I don't care! We're the biggest pack out there, Landon! We can handle it!''

''Two of our warriors died tonight! And you know what? We also have Alaina's old pack to worry about.  Maya's pack will be reluctant to form an alliance with us if we're causing trouble!''

Alette cries harder and I speak up, ''Alette, I won't ask you to stop looking for your sister for me.''

''It's not just about you,'' Landon tells me, ''We need to take down the Darkest Amber Pack and we can't do that if they form a bunch of alliances.''

He has a point but they can't just give up on Alette's sister.

''What's going on?'' Ace asks, standing beside me.

 His dark hair is still wet and he's only wearing the typical boy grey sweatpants but he looks-            Not the time, Alaina.

''I told her we might have to stop looking for Caroline.''

''Did you approve of this, Ace?'' Alette asks him.

''It's not set in stone yet Alette but-''

''So you did. Great!''

There's an unsaid apology in Ace's eyes.

''Baby, it's been 6 months. We've looked everywhere we can without causing some serious damage. We can't afford to cause trouble with other packs right now and I know you know that.''

She sniffs, ''I miss her, Landon.''

He goes closer to her, ''I know. I do too. But she would want what's best for you and this pack.''

Alette nods and sobs as she hugs her mate. There's a pain in my chest knowing Alette might have to go the rest of her life never knowing what happened to her sister.

Landon whispers to her and she nods. They start to leave and Landon gives Ace a solemn look on the way out.

Ace sighs and starts walking toward the stairs without saying anything. I decide to follow him.

''Are you okay?'' I ask him.

He doesn't respond and I can't read his expression because his back is to me. I move toward him and I get close enough that I can feel his warmth. I place a hand on his upper back, ''Ace?''

He exhales and turns around. I look up at him and his eyes are full of regret and sadness.

''I hate this. I know you never met Caroline but she was such a good person. She and Alette were so close. We were all pretty close. I just think that we all thought we'd find her.''

I place a hand on his arm and trace one of his veins with my finger, ''There's no way you can keep looking for her?'' I ask.

''We'll keep some wolves out looking for her in places that won't cause any trouble but we can't afford to weaken this pack when the Darkest Amber pack is determined to start a war.''

''If I weren't here you wouldn't have to worry about this.''

''Alaina, this isn't your fault. We've been enemies since I was born. You didn't start this. They did.''

''Can I ask you something?''


''If they were to back down and not initiate anything, would you be able to let what they did to your parents go for peace?''

''I don't know. After what they did to you and after killing my parents,'' he pauses, looking for the right words, ''They shouldn't get away with that. But if it meant the safety of my pack, the ability to keep looking for Caroline and a better life for you, I think maybe I could.''

''I hate them.''

''I know, love. So do I.''

I hadn't realized that my hand on his arm had traveled up to the side of his neck and was lightly touching his skin.

''Are you tired?'' I ask him.

''I don't think I should sleep now.''

''Why not?''

''Maybe I can find a way to keep looking for Caroline before Alette wakes up tomorrow.''

I can hear the exhaustion in his voice, ''As much as I want for Alette to be happy and for us to find her sister, you need to get some rest. You've been up for like 25 hours.''

''I'm an Alpha, I don't need to sleep.''

I cross my arms, ''Alpha or not you'll be able to think a lot more clearly after some sleep.''

''Fine. Only if you come with me.''

''I'm going to get something to drink. I'll be up in a minute.''

''Okay, I'm going to talk to Quinton really quickly.''


''Nothing too serious. Just a quick chat, okay?''


He goes upstairs and I make my way to the kitchen. I turn on the tap and grab a glass while I wait for the water to get cold. When the glass is full, I turn off the tap and head upstairs a fast as I can. It feels weird to be alone right now.

I walk into Ace's room and he isn't there yet so I set my glass of water on the nightstand and pull the bed's covers back so I can climb into bed. God, it's comfortable.

Moon Goddess


Wolves believe in the Moon Goddess. Not God.

Whatever. It's comfortable.

I can barely keep my eyes open but I won't be able to fall asleep without Ace. He really needs to hurry up. Thankfully, he walks into the room seconds later and closes the door behind him. He gets into bed with me and pulls me close to him.

''Did you miss me?''

''You took too long,'' I mumble, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

''I'm sorry.''

''Is everything okay now?''

''For tonight we have nothing to worry about. Sleep.''

Deep down, I know we have a lot to worry about.''

''You sleep too. Please. If you won't, I won't.''

I hardly doubt I'll be able to stay awake with his warmth soothing me.

''I'll sleep. Goodnight.''

''Wait, do we have to train tomorrow?''

''Alaina,'' he groans.

''Sorry, sorry. Not worrying.''


I wait a few long seconds before asking again, ''But do we?''

''Maybe. Now please sleep.''

His voice is quiet and it makes me even more tired, ''Goodnight.''


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