{ Chapter 1 } Dormmates

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~Hamilton P.O.V~

      I walked up the stairs to my dorm while dragging my suitcase full of my clothes and other belongings. I wondered who I would share a dorm with. I looked down at the small piece of paper from the lady in the office.

Name: Alexander Hamilton
Dorm unit, #: unit 3, 15

As I walked the halls, I looked at the numbers on the doors.

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

As I fumbled with the keys, I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hello? Anyone here?" I said. I held my breath as I waited for a response. Suddenly, I heard voice with a heavy French accent. I smiled to myself as I walked towards the voice that I knew very well.

"Alex? Is that you, mon ami?!" I then saw a tall man run out of one rooms. I assumed they were bedrooms.

"Lafayette?! Thank god! I was scared that I would be stuck with some awful person. Do you know who our other roomate is yet?" I questioned him as he pulled me into a big hug and picked me up.

Lafayette's whole name was Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de Lafayette. He was tall. Or maybe Alex was just short. Laf had poofy hair that he constantly kept in a ponytail. He was orginally from France, which explained the heavy accent. He was one of his closest friends. They knew each other since the beginning of high school.

"No, our other roomie hasn't arrived yet." Laf said. "I'm sure that they'll be here soon so you'd better start unpacking." Laf said with a smirk as he put Alex down.

I felt a buzz in my jean pocket from my phone and took it out. I saw Laf take his phone out too.

Turtleboi : GUESS WHAT!!!!

Baguetteman : what john?

Tailorspy : me and laurens are roomates!!! our dorm number is 17, unit 3!!

Turtleboi : but we have to share a dorm with madison :(

Hammy : me and laf share a dorm! ours is 15 and the same unit too!

I smiled as I turned off my phone, brought my stuff to my room and began to unpack.

~ Time skip!~

When I finished unpacking, I threw myself into the couch and began to doze off. I didnt see Lafayette or our other dormate. I assumed Laf was out with his boyfriend or something.

As I was about to fall asleep, I heard the door to our dorm open. I walked to the door to see who it was.

I locked eyes with the person standing at the door and gave a small gasp.

My heart skipped a beat.



Please, anyone but him

"Thomas Jefferson?!"


Hey guys!

I hoped you guys like the first chapter. This is my first fanfic so ya!


im not sure what else to write so i'll just leave it here.

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