{Chapter 8} Celebration

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Im obsessed with this song^^

animatic by exadorlion


~Alex P.O.V~

Instead of telling everyone that Thomas and I were dating, Laf decided that it would be a good idea to tell them all in our dorm after classes.

"Laf, what's the 'big news?' " Peggy asked. "You've been telling me about it all day, but you've never actually said what it was!" She stompped over to our kitchen to raid our snacks.

I chuckled and turned to Thomas. He grinned at me and walked over to talk to Angelica. After the day in the coffee place, I told my other friends about his change. They weren't as quick to forgive him as I was, but they accepted him eventually.

"What do you think Laf's big news is this time?" John asked me. I grinned at him and gave a small shrug.

"MON AMIS!" Lafayette shouted, making everyone jump. "My big news is... that Angelica now owes me $20!"

Besides me, Thomas, Laf, and Angelica, everyone else had confused looks on their faces. Angelica was jumping up and down and hugged Thomas. She didn't even look upset that she lost $20.

"OMG! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS!" She ran over to me a enveloped me in a bear hug.

"What is happening?" We all looked over to Burr.

"Me and Thomas are dating." I responded.

All of a sudden, the dorm was filled with screams. Thomas ran over to me, hugged me, and picked me up.

"I SHIP IT!!!" Peggy screamed.

~Time skip brought to you by writer's block~

~Thomas P.O.V~

I sighed as I waved bye to Burr and closed the door.

I looked around at our dorm. It was a mess. Red solo cups littered the dorm. Herc and Laf were passed out on the couch, on top of each other. John fell asleep on the floor near the tv. Eliza and Peggy had a contest on who could drink more. The third Schuyler decided to stay sober so that she could take them back to their dorms. Alex was making coffee in the kitchen to "cure" his hangover. I would probably need coffee in the morning too.

To celebrate me and Alex dating, we had all decided to drink. I was pretty sure that it was just another excuse for everyone to drink until they passed out. Good thing it was the weekend which ment no classes tomorrow.

I gathered as many cups I could and made my way to the kitchen. I threw away the cups and put my arms around my boyfriend's waist. It felt good to call him my boyfriend. It just felt right.

Alex was already half asleep while he was waiting for the coffee so he didn't notice me at first.

"You ok?"

He started to mumble something in Spanish. I picked him up, bridal style, and carried him into his room. I put him down in his bed. I was too tired to walk to my own room so I collapsed next to him and fell asleep with a smile on my face.


Srry for the really short filler chapter.

Im writing this while waiting for a plane.

luv u guys!


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