{Chapter 3} New Beginnings

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~Alex P.O.V~

I took a shaky, deep breath to try and calm my nerves. I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans and stood up. As I reached for the door handle, I looked down and saw a piece of paper neatly folded up near the door. I picked it up and my bed groaned as I sat on my bed. I opened the paper.


          Are you okay? I'm sorry for what happened during high school. I hope you can forgive James and me. I've changed since high school, and I want to help you in anyway I can. I hope we can become good friends by the end of college.


I had to reread the letter a few times in order to comprehend what was written. Did Jefferson really want to become friends? Had he really changed? I nervously bit my lip as I contemplated what to do next.

I knew what to do. I jumped up from my bed, grabbed a pen, and tore a piece of paper from one of my notebooks.

~Jefferson P.O.V~

After I slipped the piece of paper under Alexander's door, I threw myself onto the couch and turned the tv on I didn't pay any attention to the cheesy drama on the screen. I wasn't sure how he would react.

I hoped that he would forgive me. I had changed. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't though. I wouldn't have forgiven him if I were him.

~Time skip from a lazy author!! ~

I began to doze off but before I could fall asleep, I heard a door open and quiet footsteps. I reluctantly opened my eyes to see who it was.

As I tried to rub the grogginess away from my eyes, I saw Hamilton walk over to me. He had a piece of paper neatly folded in one of his hands. I also saw his puffy red eyes from crying. I could see that he was shaking a little. He gave me a small and nervous smile as he handed me the paper. I gave him a smile and nodded as I took the note.

He walked back to his room and shut the door softly. I quickly unfolded the paper and began to read.


I forgive you. I also hope that we can become friends. Do you want to meet somewhere so we can talk about all of this?


I took a deep breath and smiled.

I forgive you.

I almost couldn't believe it. I wanted to laugh out loud. He forgave me and James. The note was short but it was enough.

I wrote a quick note and slipped it under Alex's door. I then decided to get some sleep.

I was glad that he gave me a second chance. I could finally have a new beginning.

After all, he was kinda cute.



another chapter!

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