{Chapter 5} Hurricane

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~Jefferson P.O.V~

During the whole car ride, Hamilton was quiet. As I drove, I kept glancing at him. He had his hands in his lap. He kept his head forward and looked at the raod with big eyes. His breathing was uneven. He looked like he had witnessed a murder or something. His face was pale and sweat dripped down the sides of his face.

When the first clap thunder came, he jumped in his seat and shut his eyes. He held his breath. Was he scared of storms? I bit my bottom lip and drove faster. We werent that far from the dorms.

I pulled up to the dorms and looked at Alexander. He was taking deep, shaky breaths. He was shaking like a leaf.

"Alexander, are you ok?" He jumped a little and looked at me. Alex gave me a small nod and opened the car door.

We both ran into the building and up to our door. He ran into his room and slamed the door shut.

After a few minutes, I decided to take a look outside. I let out a small gasp. The storm had gotten a lot worse. I could barely see anything a few feet away from the window. The winds shook the whole house and rattled the windows.

A flash of lightning and the boom of thunder caused me to jump a little. Then I heard a whimper coming from Alex's room.

I bit my lip and walked over to his door. I heard a small cry come from the other side. I slowly opened the door and scanned the room.

My eyes landed on a shaking Alex in the the corner. His eyes were wide open, a look of pure terror in his eyes. His hands were gripping the sides of his head. He was shaking so hard that I thought that he would explode. He was muttering something that I couldn't hear to himself. Tears streaked his face.

He looked...


That was the only word I could think of. There was nothing else to really describe him as he lay there on the floor.

I walked over to him and and placed a hand on his back. I rubbed his back and without thinking, I hugged him. This lessened

I slipped an arm behind his legs and neck. I picked him up. He was surprisingly light. Did he ever eat?

I brought him over to his bed and I layed down next to him. I put an arm over him and brought him closer. Suddenly, he buried his face into my chest and began sob and shake violently. He held onto my shirt like his life depended on it.

~Alex P.O.V~

Screams from children and parents being separated

houses being blown away like cards

rain piercing his skin

water flooding his town

He could breathe. He couldn't move. He couldn't think.

Suddenly, he felt a hand rubbing his back soothingly. Eveything was a blur. He then found himself on his bed clutching someone's shirt for dear life. He wasn't sure who it was, bit right now, he didnt care. Tears spilled from his eyes as he remembered the hurricane.

Eventually, he fell asleep.



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