{Chapter 6} After the Storm

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I know this is a Jamilton fanfic but here... some Hamliza for the soul^^^

~Thomas' P.O.V~

When he woke up, the first thing he noticed was that he wasn't in his own bed. Then he saw that he was cuddling with Alex. In Alex's bed.

As the memories from last night flooded into Thomas' brain, he stared at his roomate. He looked so peaceful. A few strands of his soft, grey hair fell onto his face. He was beautiful. Wait-- did he just say to himself that Alexander was beautiful?

No. Anyone but him. He couldn't be falling for him.

Even if Thomas liked him, Alex would never like him back. Not after all the things he did to him in high school. Thomas frowned.

But, what if- no. What Alex was his soulmate? He silently laughed at himself for thinking that. That was impossible.

At that thought, Thomas glanced around Alex's room. It was grey and black. Like always.

As he lay there deep in thought, Thomas felt the warm body he was cuddling tense up. He sucked in a breath and looked to his side.

~our little cinnamon roll's P.O.V~

I woke up to being cuddled by someone. I tensed up and went through my memories of last night. I still didn't know who the heck I was layig next to.

I took a deep breath and looked up.

Thomas Jefferson?

What. I was speechless. He stared down at me for a few seconds.

"Good morning, Thomas."

"uh... morning Alex." He slowly untangled himself from me. I felt the warmth from his body leave me, making me shiver a little.  He got up from the bed and walked over to the door.

Before he left, I blurted, "Th-Thanks for s-staying with me."

He gave me a small nod and smile and walked out the door. I collapsed back onto my bed and smiled. Maybe Thomas being my roomate wouldn't so bad at all.

~Two months later~ (cause im lazy af)


"WHY DONT WE DO BOTH???!!!" I growled back.

Thomas and I had been partnered together for a project in science. Our arguing died down after a few minutes. Jefferson wasn't too mean anymore, but he could still be pretty annyoing.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He suggested and raised one eyebrow.

I grinned and nodded. We usually ended our arguments with a movie night. I wasn't really sure why though.

I threw myself onto the couch and wrapped my self with a blanket like a burrito. Thomas put on Netflix and followed me onto the couch. As we watched Lilo and Stitch for the third time this week, I leaned onto his arm.

Over the past month or two, I had noticed myself looking at him more often and blushing when I was caught. He had the softest hair and gorgeous eyes. I just wanted to see what color they were. He was beautiful. As I daydreamed about him a little more, I realized...

I loved him.

I really did. What if he was my soulmate? I scoffed at myself. That was impossible. I could feel a faint blush creeping into my cheeks. All I wanted to do was kiss him. But something held me back.

The last time I kissed someone thinking they were my soulmate, I had been utterly dissapointed. Me and John had been dating for a while and when we kissed we were so sure we were soulmates. But when we opened our eyes, we were met with our familiar grey world. All in all, it sucked.

We were still best friends after that but still... it was one of the most heartbreaking things I had ever gone through.

I didn't want to make that same mistake again.


The Colors of Soulmates {Jamilton} ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now