{Chapter 2} Flashbacks

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Warning -self harm and sucidal thoughts in this chapter :(

~Jefferson P.O.V~

"Thomas Jefferson?!"

I dropped my bags and just stood at the doorway.


Out of all the people in this college it just had to be him. We stood there, both of us gasping at each other. After a few seconds, Hamilton ran into one of the rooms down the hall. I think I saw tears on his face.

Alexander Hamilton. Just great. He was the kid I bullied in high school. I cringed at myself as I remembered how me and James Madison, one of my close friends, would tease him and hit him.


"You're worthless, Hamilton. No one cares about you," Madison whispered as I held a trembling Hamilton against the bathroom wall.

I gave him a sly smirk and said, "Do the whole world a favor, and just kill your self already."

I let him go as the bell rang. He shuddered and picked his stuff up. I walked to my next class with a big grin on my face.

~Present time~

I shook my head as I called Jemmy.

"Hey can I meet you at your dorm? I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure," James replied calmly. He was always calm. I knew he heard the panic in my voice. "My dorm is unit 3, 17."


I let out a small breathas I ended the call and walked out of my room. I saw Lafayette, my cousin, sprawled out on the couch watching some French cooking show. I guess that meant he was my other roomate. He wasn't too bad I guess.

"Hey Laf," I said as I opened the door. Laf looked at me with surprised eyes and gave me a big smile.

"Cousin! How are you? I haven't seen you in forever! I guess we are roomies!" He gave me a tight hug and said, "Do you know where Alex is? Laurens and Mulligan invited us to their dorm."

"Uhhh. Hamilton ran into his room after he saw me. I think he's still in there."

Lafayette gave me a worried look and said, " I guess he's still terrified of you. Don't worry I'm sure you two will get along somehow."

He then walked over to Alex's - wait no Hamilton's room and began to knock. Since when have I been calling him Alex? I shook my head, and I stepped outside and walked over to James' dorm.

James opened the door and gave me a hug. Me and Jemmy used to date. That is until I had to go to France for the last year of high school. At that point we had been together for 9 months. We broke up before the trip because we weren't sure if we could do long distance. We were still close friends luckily. I wasn't sure what I would do without Jemmy. (my fingers hurt from typing already)

As I entered the dorm, I saw John Laurens and Hercules Mulligan playing cards. From the corner of my eye, I saw Laurens motion over to me and Mulligan turned around. They both glared at me but continued to play their game. They were both close friends of Hamilton. I took James by the hand and took him to his room.

"Jemmy, Hamilton is my roomate!!" I said in a panicked whisper. "We saw each other in our dorm and he ran off to his room. I think he was crying. God, I feel so bad! What did we do? We ruined his life! He can't even look at me without getting a panic attack!"

"Shhhh.... It'll be ok. Just give it sometime or write him a note saying your sorry. I regret everything too," James said in a quite and calm voice. He put his arm around me and started to rub my back. How could he stay calm all the time?

~Alex's P.O.V~


We both stared at each other in disbelief. I though he had moved away permanently in our last year of high school. I felt a lump in my throat and ran into my room. I couldn't breath. I felt a panic attack coming on.

I curled up on my bed. Suddenly, I wasn't in my room any more. I was back in the bathroom of my high school.


"You're worthless, Hamilton. No one cares about you," Madison whispered as Jefferson pinned me against the bathroom wall. I was shaking so hard. He was right I thought to my self. I am worthless. All I wanted to do was go back to my dorm and just stop existing. Was that too big of a thing to ask? To just... dissapear?

Jefferson  smirked at me and said, "Do the whole world a favor, and just kill your self already." At this point, I was having a full blown panic attack.

They both left when the bell rang. I shuddered and began to pick my stuff up. I decided to ditch my next class since Jefferson was in it and decided to stay in the bathroom instead.

I took out a blade from my backpack and pulled up my right sleeve.

I did this almost everytime Jefferson and Madison bullied me. I don't know why their words had such a big effect on my but they did.

I began to cut. One cut for being worthless. Another cut for being a bastard. Another one for... and on and on

Soon I had at least 15 cuts on my arms. I took a deep breath and cleaned the sink and my arms until everything looked normal. I pulled down my sleeves and headed to lunch.


*deep breath*


ok hoped u liked it !!!

Have a good day!

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