{Chapter 18}

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animatic by exadorlion

guys im running out of jamilton animatics welp

~Hammy POV~

We color collected for almost 2 hours. It was amazing. While Thomas was staring at his surroundings, I would steal glances at him. He was stunning, especially in color. But I would never tell him that. Ever.

When the movie that the six of us were watchibg ended, James turned to us and smiled.

"So hows color collecting?" He said with a smirk.

I glanced over at our hands. They were still in the middle of the cushion, his hand on top of mine. They hadnt moved one inch.

"Good... I guess," Thomas mumbled and I nodded slightly.

Laf got up and chose a new movie for us to watch. He then went back to Herc and cuddled back into his chest.

Then, I realized. I had to work on an essay that I had from Creative Writing. It was due in two weeks but still. I wanted to get a head start.

Reluctantly, I pulled my hand out slowly. I sucked in a breath when the colors faded from my sight. Immediately after, I wanted to put my hand back on his. Thomas lifted his hand and looked at me, confused.

"I have to work on an essay," I explained.

"Alright, I'll follow you after this is done." He motioned to the new movie that was playing. It was the Princess Bride. (THIS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST MOVIES IN EXISTENCE cause the sarcasm is on point)

I nodded and hesistated a little before getting up. Did i really want to leave? I shook my head. I had no choice. That essay wasnt going to write itself.

~time skip to when he goes to his dorm and is done with the essay~

I sighed in relief and slumped down into my bed a little. I had finished in record time. Thomas wasnt even back yet.

Ever since the color collecting, I was able to concentrate. My hands didnt shake anymore and I was actually able to form conplete sentences.

He thought about the colors. Were they really worth hanging out with Thomas Jefferson for a few hours? Sure, they didnt talk this time but next time, there was sure to be an argument of some sort. And sure, he liked the colors but not that much right? Not to the point where he needed to color collect everyday. Right?

At the most, Alex would have to stay with Jefferson for only a few hours a week.

He could do it right? For once, Alexander Hamilton didnt have an answer.



this is short

my bad

im srry i hate it when i write a short chapter


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