{Chapter 17}

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Animatic by: Lunarkamoa

~Alexander POV~

I checked the time.

1:55 pm

I was going to be late. I jumped up from my bed and put my hair into a messy bun. I had tried to get some work done, but my hands were too shaky.

I grabbed my phone before pulling the door open. I walked over to the dorm room to go to James, Herc, and John's dorm. As I reached for the doorknob, I saw anoher hand shoot out to grab it too. By the time I had noticed it though, I was too late.

Our hands brushed each other sending me back into the comforting world of colors for a split second. We both jumped back from the doorknob as if it were scorching hot. I looked up at my annoying soulmate.

I must not have noticed Jefferson standing at the door. In my hurried state, I forgot that we were going to the same place.

"Ladies first," he drawled with his soothing southern accent. Wait no- not soothing. Definitely not soothing. Anything but soothing.

I gave him an icy glare before opening the door and heading into the direction of James' dorm.

"Where are you going?"

I spun around to look at the voice who asked that.

"Im going to John's dorm." I replied. How could I forget? I was supposed to color collect with him in a few minutes. We were going to the same place. I shudderd with excitement.

"What a coincidence. I'm going to Jemmy's dorm too," he said after a few seconds of thinking. Did he not know that James was going to force us to color collect? Of course he didnt or else he wouldnt be coming.

I stayed silent as we reached their doom. The walk wasnt too long. I knocked and we both stepped back.

The door opened to reveal a heavily freckled face. John.

"Hey John," we said at the same time.

"Well, well, well, if it isnt our two lovebirds," he teased.

Me and Jefferson both gave him stares that could kill as we walked inside. I saw Laf and Her cuddled up together on one of the armchairs. Laf was sitting in Herc lap and was resting his head against Herc's chest. They looked so comfortable. We plopped ourselves on the couch, opposite sides, of course. John sat in one of the armchairs.

I saw James walk out from the kitchen, holding a bowl of nachos. He looked at us with surprised eyes.

"I didnt think that you two would actually show up on time." He took some chips from the bowl and shoved them into him mouth.

"Jemmy why is he here?" Jefferson asked and jabbed his thumb at me. Huh, he really didnt know why we were here.

"Im forcing you two to color collect. Theres nothing you can do about it. Im sick of you watching you two stumble around like drunk idiots." He shrugged and went over to John. They sat together on the armchair leaving me and Jefferson on the couch.

"Mes amies, I suggest you two call each other by your first names," Laf said, his eyes closed.

We turned to look at each other.

"Alright, Alexander put your hand om the middle cushion."

"Okay, Thomas."

With a shaky breath I put my hand on the cushion like he said and waited for the warmth of his hand. When he put his hand on mine, I gasped.

They were more beautiful than before.


This is kinda short im srry


The Colors of Soulmates {Jamilton} ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now