{Chapter 24} by our hearts

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I thought that it would be fitting to put my fave song/jamilton animatic for the final chapter!

animatic by exadorlion!

i hope you guys enjoy the animatic and the chapter!

~Tall Magenta giant POV~

This was it! Our last day of college, graduation day!

But graduation wasnt the only important thing happening today.

I smiled as we all walked out of the building with our diplomas n stuff ( guys i dont know how graduation stuff works so bear with me)

Peggy happily skipped over to her dorm. We were having the party in there. I looked around at our group of friends. We all had smiles on our faces. I looked at my precious Alex. He looked like a kid in a candy store.

"Can you believe it?! We graduated! We actually did it!" He exclaimed happily and junped up to kiss me on the cheek. I laughed and turned to give him a full kiss on the lips. He squeeked happily and put his arms around me.

"Hey, save it for the party please?" I broke away from the kiss to turn to who ever interrupted us. I saw Laurens, hand in hand with James, smiling at us. "Let's go!"

~Time skip to party~

"Alright everyone! Thomas has a very special announcement so listen up!" Angie shouted, causing the group to quiet down.

I took a deep breath and started talking.

"Alex... I dont even know where to start! You're amazing and funny. I know that I havent alway treated you the best but I want to thank you for giving me plenty of second chances." I paused before continuing. I fiddled with the small box in my pocket. "I know that I've only been with you for about 3 weeks now but I feel like its the perfect time for this."

I walked up to Alex and got down on one knee. My smile was growing bigger as I watched my soulmate's expression change from confusion to shock.

I took out the small box and opened it, revealing a beautiful ring. I heard him gasp softly.

"Will you marry me?"

Next thing I knew, I was on the ground being peppered with kisses. I heard whoops and cheers coming from our friends.

"Yesyesyesyesyes!" Alex screeched. Tears started to pool in my eyes. There was no way to describe what I was feeling right now.

Happiness? Excitment? Shock?

I laughed as someone helped me and Alex get up. For the rest of the night, we were attached at the hip.

For the rest of our lives, we were attached by our hearts.





is this fanfic over already???




i just want to say THANK YOU a million times

but that would be boring so i'll try to keep it as short as I can. (notice i put the word try in there)

Thank you guys for all the support on this fanfic! I would have never gotten this far if it werent for evey single one of you guys!

Without it, I probably would have quit after chapter 3.

When I first started this account and this story a month ago, I was entirely convinced that no one would read my writing. But here I am, with all you guys reading this!

If you told me a month ago when I first started this that I would have 2k views, I...

would have laughed in your face. Yes. I would have.

but I want to thank each and everyone of you for your views, comments, and votes!


ok bye!


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