{Chapter 13}

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it sill makes me cry every time i watch it



~Alexander POV~

It had been two weeks since the celebration when I drunkenly kissed Jefferson.

Jefferson had still been avoiding Alex alot. He noticed it but didnt say anything.

I was ranting to Laf and John about it. Herc had to go to his sewing class. We were standing in the park under a tree.

"Alex we know, we know. This is the fifth time youve ranted about him this week." John said.

"Oui, mon amie, you sound obsessed with him," Laf giggled.

"Am not!" I shouted back and crossed my arms. I realized that I may have been acting childish but i didnt care.

Laf and John shared a look and smirked. Oh no. They were planning something.

I heard footsteps behind me but I assumed it was just Hercules or Madison.

"Maybe you just need a little push, Alex" John said and pushed me back into who ever was behind me.

~Thomas POV~

"I cant do this anymore Jemmy!" I cried and paced in our dorm. James was the only one I had told. I had always told him everything.

"Thomas, you have to do something. If not you could go into color madness!" He shouted back.

I stopped. He had a good point.

Color madness was a mental illness. Its caused when soulmates dont get to see each other and the colors for an extended amount of time.

The only cure was to color collect with you soulmate. Color collecting was when you cuddled-- well not necessarily cuddle, but touch for a few hours and "collect" colors. It kept couples sane when they had to spend long periods of time apart.

(is this making any sense? im bad at explaning things do if not tell me)

I sighed and flopped back on the couch.

"Maybe your right. I think I am going into color madness already."

I knew the symptoms of color madness.

Sleep deprivation, difficulty concentrating, disorientation, and anxiety. And finally, going crazy.

Those were the main symptoms. Sonfar he had experienced all of them, except for going crazy. That hadnt happened.


He shook his head. The past few weeks he couldnt concemtrate properly on any of his homework.

"Hey, lets go to the park. John just invited me."

"Awww but i dont want to be third wheel." i whined.

"Its alright. Laf is there too." I assured me.

"Anyone else?"

He paused for a second then shook his head.

"Alright, fine."


~time skip to when theyre at the park~

As we walked up the hill to the tree they were standing at, i saw three figures.

I thought it was just Laf and John who were supposed to be here?

As we walked closer, i still didnt recognize the third person. They had their back to me.

When I was a few feet away, I realized who it was.


But by that time, I couldnt back out.

Suddenly, I saw John push him back.

oh no



uh, thanks for reading!

seriously i cant thank you guys enough for all the view and comments you guys leave.

each and every one makes me smile (ok i realized that what i just typed sounded really cliche but im serious!!!!!)

Thanks so much for about 850 reads!!!!

i never thought that i would get that many.

I dont rlly understand why you guys like my writing? its not that good tbh

but oh well. im not complaning

thx again for all the support!!

luv u all (im serious)


The Colors of Soulmates {Jamilton} ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now