{Chapter 20}

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animatic by... szin

~Thomas POV~

I waited nervously in our dorm for Alex. His classes ended 50 minutes later than mine.

I was sitting on the left side of the couch. After the encounter with Alex in the hallway, I had come straight here to fix myself up. My hair had been a mess and I didnt change my clothes from yesterday.

Now, I had changed my clothes for some clean sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Throughout the day, I hadnt been concentrating at all on what my teachers were saying. My hands were constantly shaking and I couldnt think straight.

I sat on the couch watching Moana for the fourth time when he came in. We said hi to each other before he excused himself to clean up.

When he came back, he sat on the opposite side of the couch and looked at me.

"So, do you want to go first or..." he asked. I nodded and put my hand in the middle of the couch. He did the same.

We color collected for an hour before deciding that it was time to sleep. Nothing happened. We didnt talk or say anything. We didnt even make eye contact v


~Time skip to a few days later~

~Hamilton POV~

We had been color collecting for exactly an hour after classes every day. We never said anything to each other. We would usually just sit there and stare at whatever was on the TV. It was maddening. I had never been quiet for that long. Only when I wasnt feeling good.

At first they helped me, but then, my color madness seemed to go down hill from there.

The colors felt like an addicting drug. I couldnt get enough. The more I got them, the stronger the addiction felt.

I told John and James about my new "addiction".

"I suggest that you guys color collect for a longer period of time. For maybe... 3 or 4 hours." James suggested. John sleepily nodded along, his head in Madison's lap. James was combing his fingers through John's soft, curly hair.

"3 hours!? No way. I have work to do. Besides, I am not going to ask him of we can color collect more than I have to," I whined. "I already sucked up my pride up and asked him to do it after school a few days ago!"

"You can just do your work with Thomas. Like sit next to each other or something. You guys cant just do the hand-in-the-middle-of-the-cushion thing all the time." John explained. "You guys are soulmates! cuddle together or something!"

"You two are no help!" I groaned, earning giggles from the couple. I said bye and walked over to my dorm.



The Colors of Soulmates {Jamilton} ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now