{chapter 16}

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animatic by szin!

~Jefferson POV~

Luckily, I had no classes the next day.

Cause I couldnt sleep at all. I couldnt focus. No matter what I tried, it seemed that all I could do was think about the way the colors made Alexander's face more beautiful.

Damit, I think im falling for the little bastard.

As I lay on my back, I heard my phone ding, signaling that I had just gotten a text. I sighed as I turned to pick up my phone.


2 pm. my dorm. Come or else i'll send herc and laf after you. i'll explain later. gn

Huh, James usually wasnt up this late at night. I wonder if anything was wrong.

Probably not. He was fine.

I let my thoughts drift as I tried to wait for the abyss of sleep to take me.

It never did.

~Alex POV~

I groaned as I sat myself up. I looked at the window. It was about 8 in the morning by now. I didnt sleep at all last night.

I feel like shit. Absolute shit.

Hopefully, James' plan would work because I needed to do work. I felt a spark inside me when I thought of color. Even if i hated Jefferson, I loved the colors he brought with him.

Everything good comes with a price I guess.

After a few minutes of convincing myself to get out of bed, I got dressed and walked out of my room.

I stumbled over to the coffee machine. I was so tired. I desperately needed coffee to function right now. Lots of it.

As I watched mt coffee being made slowly, I heard a door open and close.

"Hamilton, you look terrible. Did you sleep at all?" he sneered at me.

I turned my head to look at him. He was a mess too. I guessed that it was from color madness.

"Hey do you have color madness?" I asked in a tentative tone.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "No? Definitely not. Im fine. " He crossed his arms.

"Okay, okay. Its just that you look like you havent sleept in years."

That was true. He had dark bags under his bloodshot eyes. His shirt was one backwards and exhaustion was written all over his face.

"Well i could say the same for you," he said and walked over to the couch.

I waited for my coffee and went back into my room. This was going to be a long day.



im sort of just winging this story and making it up as i go


The Colors of Soulmates {Jamilton} ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now