Author's Note

739 31 15

Dedicated to Anikka, you pushed me through to complete this and listened through all my rough drafts XOXO 

HI! My Name Is Hailey Everst and I am the author of this novel. I just thought you all might want to know that this novel will be cringey and this novel will have plot holes but I also hope this novel made you smile and entertained you. I will be posting new chapters whenever I can. I aiming for 2 chapters a week.  Also note that I suck at grammar, punctuation, and spelling and so this has not been proofread or edited or anything.

Thank you to the followers I have, I only have three, but still, you guys have no idea how happy I was when I got one itself. Please vote for each chapter by clicking the star and comment! Comment on ways to improve or comment about how cringey something was, either way, thank you for all the support I get. I've been writing this novel for a year now simply scribbling away during math class when I got bored and I remember showing this to my friends and they all gave me support to finish this novel and now I'm actually making this novel a real thing and I am just so excited. 

Also look how badass this cover looks.(I know it doesn't look badass but give some slack)   

(I know it doesn't look badass but give some slack)   

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This new cover looks way more badass:

This new cover looks way more badass:

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