Ch. 7 Caleb

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Dedicated to Reagan, @annalisejustice, you were my first friend and supporter on Wattpad, I'm so grateful for everything you helped me with. Go read her book it's awesome. Love ya baby boo!

It's been a month since Avery died. I was moping around for most of it. It took me some time but I think I'm finally able to move on. I had to tell the police about my relationship with Avery, apparently, I was the last person he spoke with, which just made me another suspect. The news about my relationship with him went all over the town. Everyone blames me, like always. It's like Rachel's death all over again.

I was walking over to Emma's house passing by the high school, some kids, who looked they were probably in summer school, were sitting around smoking. I ignored them and walked forward when I stumbled over one of their ankles.

"What the hell?" I shouted at the guy

"Oh, I'm so sorry! What are you going to do? Murder me like the rest of your victims?" The guy laughed.

"Fuck off Max" another guy said pushing the one who tripped me.

"What, you gonna try and play hero now Caleb?"

Caleb rolled his eyes and replied with a middle finger.

"Oh wow, like I give a damn." Max ran up to me and walked alongside me, "So I hear you're into older guys" He whispered into my ear as I went bright red.

"Get away from me" I replied walking faster

"Gladly," he said and then hit my bottom.

I saw Caleb get up and punch Max and he shouted, "dick" out to him.

Caleb ran up to me, "Hey sorry about him, he's a complete douchebag" Caleb said nervously stuffing his hands into his jeans.

"I could tell, thanks. I'm Riley." I said holding my hand out

"Caleb, I just moved here so I'm taking summer courses to get a feel of this school," Caleb said hugging me instead of shaking my hand.

When he finally stopped hugging me he started talking on and on about where he moved from and his family. I just met the guy, what does he want from me?

"My favorite pie, however, is Apple, then Pumpki-"

"Look I'm sorry but I have to be somewhere maybe we can talk again later," I said cutting him off, I had known enough about Caleb's favorite pies.

Caleb looking disappointed nodding and said, "See you around" Before running off to his friends. 

I ran over to Emma's house and rang her doorbell, I rang it again, and again. I sighed and checked my phone, I got a new message from Emma.

Emma W. Matthew 

Sorry, Jacob unexpectedly wanted me to come over. Rain check? 3:42

Jacob was Emma's latest fling, and just like always, bailed on again. I ran back to my house, running extra fast by the high school. I found my parents fighting again. This time they were fighting over a piece of paper, I chuckled to myself and ran up to my room. I stopped in front of my door and turned around, the door I was facing had pictures of Rachel taped over the door, I walked in, sad to find the scent of her gone. I laid in the middle of her bed and softly cried into her pillow. I never understood how much I loved her until she was gone. 

I woke up suddenly in Rachel's bed when I heard my mom scream the word 'divorce' and then she slammed the front door so hard I could feel it's vibrations in Rachel's room. Was that a divorce paper they were fighting over? Were they getting divorced? Why does my family always fall apart when I need them the most?

Hello peeps. Sorry for the short and lame chapter. I know the chapter wasn't as exciting as the rest but don't worry this chapter and the next chapter are build ups for chapter 9. And Chapter 9 is going to be amazeballs so hold on. What do you peeps think of Caleb? Comment about Caleb, srsly I want to know what you guys think. Also, we know have 500 READS!!! OMG, I THOUGHT IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE. Ty for the support you beautiful people! Ok Love you peeps. Also don't forget to vote and comment!

Love, Hails

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