Ch. 4 The Perfect Moment

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Dedicated to Angelina, my bestie boo. You read through this gave me positive feedback and gave so much support. I love you!

I held onto the ladder for dear life. Slowly descending. I found a lantern set next to the ladder as if someone had been down here before. Maybe there was someone in here. What would I do? I tried pushing those thoughts out of my mind as I walked forward. It looked like the ladder was descending into a chamber of some sort. The chamber was small and had a brick wall. However taped onto the walls were pictures of me and my family. There was a diagram of the police station and written underneath it was the date that the firebomb set off. There was even a box of firebombs underneath a table. I went to the table and I found pictures of Rachel, they were pictures from the night she had died. 

Oh my God.

Is this where Rachel's killer works? Is he planning on killing my whole family? I looked through the pictures of Rachel and I found a separate stack of pictures. All of the pictures were of me! Was he planning on killing me next? That's why the firebomb was set off! The killer was trying to kill me next! I was so scared, I felt like any second the killer could attack. I needed to get out here. My heart was pounding and my head was throbbing. I set the lantern down when I heard someone call my name.

"Riley! Wait!" The person shouted

I shrieked and threw the lantern at the person. I couldn't tell where I was aiming, the small light that illuminated from the lantern was not nearly enough to tell who the person was. The lantern hit the wall and the person was coming closer. I screamed and started frantically climbing up the ladder when my foot slipped. The person grabbed my foot, I looked down trying to figure out who he was. But he was wearing a black mask, he shouted.

"Riley, let me ex-"

I kicked the person in the face, I heard him shout in pain. Good, he deserved it, luckily I was wearing my extra pointy boots today. I got to the top of the ladder hoisted my self up.

"Bitch!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and threw the tombstone over the opening hoping it'll slow him down. I ran for my life and stopped at my house. Thoughts kept blowing up in my head.

Was that the killer?

What if he was trying to help?

What if he put some kind of micro bomb on my foot?

Will I ever be safe?

"Shut up!" I screeched out loud. I didn't know what to do. That was the killer, right? Either way, he was an ass. I just wanted things to go back to normal. I wanted to be a normal teenager again. I want to worry about prom dresses, not micro bombs. I wanted my life and Rachel's life back. 


It had been a week since I went into Grove, luckily in that time, my pneumonia cleared up. I never left the house the whole time, I'm so glad it's summer! I was so afraid to go anywhere, all I could think about was when the killer would strike. I didn't tell anyone about Grove because I didn't know who to trust. It felt like everyone was against me. I could go to the cops but they're all corrupt, well except for Avery. Maybe I could tell him, he'd help me, right? Right?

I was going to see Avery now. We're watching a movie at his apartment. He told me to dress fancy for some reason. Avery said being in public might raise rumors, especially since he's a cop and I'm a suspect in a murder case. Plus we wanted this all to be a secret. I didn't know whether to tell him now or not. If I did wouldn't that put him in danger? But if I didn't I'd be in danger. I didn't know what do. This was my burden, not Avery's I'm not going to make him suffer. I rang the doorbell to his apartment I saw Avery grinning, he was standing there in a fancy tux holding a bouquet of roses

"What are you doing?" I giggled as Avery placed a rose in his mouth.

"Well, I felt bad, since we can't go out in public to some fancy restaurant, I thought I'd bring the fancy here," Avery said presenting his apartment.

He moved all his furniture to the side and kept a table in the center, apple cider and a plate of spaghetti. His entire apartment was dimly lit by candles. A classical song played in the background.

"You didn't have to do all of this I was fine with a-"

"Shh, let's dance" Avery whispered

It turns out we both sucked at dancing, but Avery could make anything fun. He started breaking dancing on the floor, he was quite bad and almost kicked over a vase but he didn't care. After we both stopped laughing at his 'dance skills', we began eating.

"Wait, are we eating this Lady and the Tramp style?" I laughed pointing to the one plate of spaghetti between us.

Avery blushed and told me to eat and find out myself. Luckily there was no 'spaghetti-kissing'. However, I kind of wished there were.

It turns out we were going to watch a movie, however, it wasn't the movie that I expected. It was home videos of Avery growing up. He was so dorky as a kid! We were dying of laughter, looking at Avery's reaction to being told that Santa Claus didn't exist. Everything was perfect at this moment as I dozed off in Avery's arms. Why couldn't my life always be like this?

Hello, beautiful people! Oh My Lord! Avely is just 😍😍😍.#RELATIONSHIPGOALS!! I feel so bad for Riley, she's living in constant fear. I'm so glad she got a glimpse of happiness with Avery. Also what happened in Grove was just 😱.Who do you peeps think the killer is? Vote and Comment if you liked this chapter! Also Comment who you think the killer is. Also HALF A TWIN IS NOW #524 IN MYSTERY AND THRILLER!!! YASSSSSSSS, and in one day I got 73 reads!! Once again these numbers may look small to you guys but THEY MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!! Thank you so much to all of you peeps out there who are supporting me you guys are FRICKING AMAZING! I Love all of you guys so much! XOXO 😘 


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