Ch. 6 Another Murder

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Dedicated to Parsa, you're the only guy I could trust to read this and not judge me so ya cool. 😊 😊 😊 

I was still lying in Grove. My heartbeat and hiccups were all I could hear. I didn't know Avery for long. But I had my first kiss with him. I had my first date with him. He was my first boyfriend. One time Rachel had a fight and told me that no one could ever love me. She never apologized for that. I guess she was right. Avery just used me. Though I barely knew him it still hurt. 


"Shh, it's ok, if that bitch was going to cheat on you then he was not worth it!" Emma said as I was crying in her lap

I told Emma that Avery had cheated on me since I didn't want to tell her about Grove and all that because I'd just be putting her in danger. 

"But I liked him, I thought he liked me. Why won't anyone like me?" I whispered

"No don't think like that he's complete fucktard ok and if he thinks he can just come and mess with my girl and then leave her then he's fucking wrong," Emma said snapping her fingers 

"But I thought I finally found someone."

"Look it's ok there are so many nicer people out there than that fuckboy. You know we need to go out to a club and get wasted."

"Reality check, we're 16"

"I know middle schoolers who drink, come on. My cousin works at a club, he can get us in"


Emma was doing what she normally does, she went and starting dancing flirting with dozens of guys. Of course, all of the guy's were interested, she was gorgeous after all. I stood in the back adjusting this wretched skimpy red dress Emma gave me. Emma drank more beer then she could hold and immediately ran to the bathroom. I ran in after her and held her hair up as she vomited into the toilet.

"Go get in the car, I'll clean this mess up and I'll drive you home." I said pointing to the vomit on the floor

"Thank you, Riles" Emma said uneasily walking out the bathroom door 

I took a bunch of paper towels and started wiping it off with my shoe. Ughh, sometimes Emma can be a pain in the ass. I heard someone walk in.

"I'm sorry Riley" I heard him say, it was Avery.

"Did you fucking follow me here? Please just leave me be. Leave me and my family. Please" I said trying to get out of the bathroom when Avery grabbed my wrist.

"Let me go!" I shrieked.

"I will, I'll leave you alone. I don't you expect you to forgive me, but hear me out. I know about Rachel's killer. Please."

"You have five minutes," I said, I needed to know about Rachel's killer. 

"After the fire, a man met with me at an old abandoned playground, he wore a mask and had a voice modifier. He told me he'd give me money if I'd spy on you and your family and take pictures of you. I didn't want the money, but I thought I could gain his trust and use it against him. I thought I could gain knowledge about him and figure out who he is and put a stop to this. He's met with me every morning giving me little tasks. That day when you first came to Grove and I grabbed your foot, I wanted to explain this to you. I wanted to stop lying to you. But you ran away. I thought I could tell you on our date, but you were so happy. I didn't want to ruin that. Then you saw me at Grove. He gave a little watch, he told me one beep is a warning, two beeps is the danger zone, three beeps is death. I got one beep when you came. I wanted to explain this to you but not there, he keeps security camera's all over Grove if he knew I told you, I'd be dead. I'm sorry I only wanted to help you and your family. I thought I was helping you guys. In fact, when your father was trapped in that elevator he was supposed to be trapped for at least 4 days since he had no water he would've died. But I was the one who helped him get out. I only wanted to help." Avery rambled

"Ok" I said after a long pause, "Do you expect me to just forgive you?"

"No, but please, just try to understand that I was only trying to help.

I didn't know what to do. I wish Avery had told me before, but he did say that if he told me he could die. He did also save my dad from the elevator. I know Avery never really did any harm and he was just trying to help us.

"Fuck it" I mumbled under my breath, I hung onto Avery's neck and kissed him he kissed me back and lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He's soft hand nestled my face as the other wrapped around my waist pulling me closer, if that was possible. He set me on the counter of the bathroom and his lips moved down around my neck to my cheek and back to my lips.

"I'm sorry" he whispered again angling his head down so our foreheads were touching.

I nodded my head and kissed him again. 


"Can you believe it? People are dropping like flies Raymond!" I heard my mom say as I walked into the kitchen.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked as I saw my mom and dad.

"You know that officer, Andrew was his name right?" My dad asked

"Avery, why what happened to him" I said my heart speeding up

"He was found dead this morning at some old abandonded playground" My dad answered

The old abandoned playground.

That's where Avery said he meets Rachel's killer. 

"Are they sure it's him, did they do DNA tests and all that?" I frantically asked slightly hyperventilating

"Yep, it's him all right" My dad nonchalantly answered

He died becuase of me. He was never suppoesd to tell me. Rachel's killer must have found out. He died for me. He died trying to help me.

Avery Hamilton was dead.

Hey guys!! I feel so bad about this. Every time you guys said #Avely, I wanted to tell you guys SO BADLY. I'm so sorry guys! I am really going to miss #Avely.  Anyway for some good news. We have 300 READS! OMG OMG OMG. When I first wrote this book I wanted 3 NOW I HAVE 300. You guys are absolutely amazing. Anyway now we are entering Part 2 of this book. There will be a new cast, don't worry there will still be familiar faces but also there will be some new peeps, and Avery won't be part of the cast anymore cuz u know, he's dead... So stay tuned for that my lovilies. Thank you guys once again for all this support ILYSM!

XOXO Hails

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