Ch. 16 Look Away

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Dedicated to my whole fifth-grade class. You all read my book, and you all helped me and gave me positive feedback. I love you guys so much. 

I woke up in a dark musty room. I saw Rachel mixing something into a bowl of soup.

"Rachel? Am I dead? What's happening?" I said trying to get up to see what Rachel was doing. The pain was still there in my left leg and right arm where I had been shot.

"Shh all will be explained but you need to drink this, Sean said so." Rachel said handing me a bowl of soup.

"Sean? The mad man who shot me?" I asked pushing the bowl away.

"He was doing it for your good, plus don't talk about my father like that." Rachel said crushing more leaves and adding it into the bowl.

"What the hell? Father? What are you doing with those leaves, they're Belladonna leaves, those are lethal!"

"Sean said to crush it and make sure you ingest it."

"No! Sean's trying to kill me! Come on we have to get out of here." I said grabbing her hand.

"No! Sean's my real father. He's the only one who loves me!" Rachel shrieked.

"You're delusional, he's brainwashed you. The family that really loves you is at home." 

"Is that why they stole me when I was a baby?" Rachel said wiping tears

"What the hell? What story did he tell you?" 

"Only the truth, Sean'll come down any second drink this, or at least dispose of this. I don't care."

I threw the soup into a trash can and placed the empty bowl on a table. I heard the man come down.

"Oh, hello Rosalie Annabella Shire." The old man said holding his hand out

"I go by Riley, you must be Sean the bitch who decided to feed my innocent sister complete lies." I said swatting his hand away.

"Lies? I would never feed my daughter lies, oh dear, they didn't tell you did they?" Sean said acting all innocent, I was resisting my urge to kick him in the nuts as much as possible.

"They told me Rachel is my step sister"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I expected more from Raymond and Shannon, Rachel is my daughter, your father and I went to the same college and both of our girlfriends were pregnant at the same time. I got into a car crash with your father's girlfriend, Charlotte. The crash killed Charlotte and her unborn baby. My wife, Lisa had twins, Ella and Rachel. The nurse's told me that Rachel died and that I couldn't see her, they were being really fishy about it. Later I came to know that your "dad" Raymond had tipped the nurse's and took Rachel. He was mad at me for killing his wife and his baby so he took Rachel."

I was so shocked, was this man telling the truth? I looked from Rachel to him, they both looked so eerily similar. He was her father.

"I kept my daughter, Ella locked in this very cabin with me and I never let her out and I never told her anything, I was afraid of losing her, she was all that was left. Then the day Rachel was found "dead" I told Ella the truth about her mom and how she had a twin and everything. She was so mad I found her with a slit throat, she had killed herself. Ella and Rachel are identical twins so when I took Rachel with me and put Ella on your doorstep making it seem like she was Rachel. The day the police would do DNA tests and all that I broke in and burned Ella's body and I still have her sacred ashes."

I felt so bad, this man was ill but also his life was taken away from him. But still, he couldn't try to poison me and kill me. Plus I knew Rachel wanted a real life, not to be held hostage by her sick dad for the rest of her life.

"Ok, but you don't have to hold her hostage, let her live the life she dreamed of. This is sick and cruel, you've brainwashed her." 

"Don't tell me how to raise my kids, here I have work to do. Rachel look over our visitor" Sean said going up the stairs.

Rachel smiled until Sean left the room, then she took my hand and pinned me into a dark corner of the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Shh, this is the only place where his cameras can't reach us. You really think I'm going to live in this psychopathic middle aged man for the rest of my life?" Rachel said hugging me.

"I missed you, whether we're twins or not I love you" I said hugging her back.

"Amen, ok enough lovey dovey we're gonna bust out ok? I'll go up and call him down telling him that you died from the soup. He keeps a tranquilizer gun behind this," Rachel said reaching into a huge hole in the wall, "When he comes down shoot him. Ok?"

This was so much for me to take in, but if we could escape everything would be back to normal, well close too. I nodded my head getting into a stance, Avery once showed me how to hold a gun and use it, so I knew how to use it.

"Also, why do you smell like vanilla?"

I giggled remembering Carter, "long story, I'll tell you later."

HOLO I know it's very complicated and a lot to take in. But don't worry baby boo's hold on. Next chapter will be Rachel's POV!! Alssooo we have almost 1.8K reads and WE ARE #80 IN MYSTERY AND THRILLER AND WE ARE STILL NO. 1 IN RISING BOOKS. OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS TO THE MOON AND BEYOND. ok calm the fuck down Hailey. ok love you peeps and hold on for the big finale! Vote + Comment.

XOXO Hails 

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