Ch. 10 Surprise

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Dedicated to @CowsOnCrack, first of all, I love your name, Second you make great stories and always give me helpful tips. Go check her out. 

"What, mom are you ok? Of course, we're twins" I told my mom after she finally calmed down.

"No, you're not. When I first met your father he already had Rachel, he told me his girlfriend died in labor. I had you 1 month after she was born. Your father proposed to me a month after you were born. I didn't know him that well but I couldn't turn him down. He had convinced me that we could all be one happy family. He made Rachel a fake birth certificate and made it seem like you were both born on February 3rd. It was hell after that. You father and I never got along but we stuck together we held up this charade because we didn't want to damage your's and Rachel's life more. But Rachel's gone now." My mom babbled.

I was stupified. My whole life I had taken care of someone I had loved someone and it was all just a lie. Should I have not loved Rachel? 


Of course not. Whether we were twins or not, either way, I still loved her. I had a connection with her which I had with no one else. I don't care whether we were related or not, I'm still getting vengeance, I'm still going to care. No matter what she'll still be Rachel.


It's been two weeks since the news and Mother seemed to be fine now. At least now I know why Rachel was always so different from me. I didn't know why our parents just didn't tell us. Rachel and I would have been fine growing up step sisters. But I guess they wanted us to seem like we were all happy and perfect.

My mother just got back from a date. She's on the rebound quite quickly. But since she and dad never loved each other, she had nothing to feel bad about. 

"This is my daughter, Riley. " My mom said walking into the apartment with her date.

"Hi, Pleasure to meet you" I smiled at the man. He had a five o'clock shadow and his hair was gelled up, it was turning white around his roots. He had a piercing in one ear.

"Hello, John Newark" John said grinning, he seemed like a nice guy.

I left the room letting my mom say goodbye to John. I'm glad my mom was happy. She deserved to be happy considering what she went through. 

Holooooo these chapter's are getting shorter and shorter! But still, SURPRISE did u guys expect that? Also, what do you peeps think of John? If you have trouble visualizing him just go to "Cast Part 2" there's a pic of him. Anyways make a ship name for Riley and Rachel, I'll give a shoutout to the peep who makes the best ship name. Also HANG ON next chapter is the last chapter of Part 2 and SOME SPICY SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!! so just hold on baby boos. Anndddd OUR BOOK HAS 760 READS AND 100 VOTES. ILYSM PEEPS. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Ok vote + comment.

XOXO Hails

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