Ch. 2: Grove

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Dedicated to Amrit, though we didn't get along you still listened to my story and never criticized me. I'm glad we're friends now.

I went back home with mom and dad, The car ride was filled with parents screaming. It's just what I needed to put more weight on my shoulders. We got back to our house. Immediately I rushed into my room and shut the door. It was loud and scary and felt and lasted for what felt like days. I wish Rach was here. We would have hide in the attic together and plugged our ears. All the screaming was too much, I ran into Rachel's room and sat in the corner.

It was different than before. It was still dirty with clothes piled up in her closet. But it lost its shine, Like in February. Ever since then it seemed so dull. I looked around her room before I knew it, I was crying. Everything reminded me of her memories. She kept a little scrapbook on her desk filled with high school memories, she said someday when she was older she wanted to look back and remember all the things that happened, good and bad. Too bad she never even got to finish high school. I went through a little box she hid under her bed. She kept very important things in there like the first baby tooth she lost and a picture of her first boyfriend. I looked through the box when I found a crumpled piece of paper stuffed underneath the box. In very messy handwriting it said, "Go to Grove, or else" What was Grove? It didn't seem to ring a bell. But this piece of paper looked like it was written recently. In fact, maybe this had something to do with Rachel's death. The name Grove itself seemed very sketchy, I knew I had to do something I had to grasp every possibility there is. I had to find wherever or whatever Grove is.


"Mom, I'm going out!" I yelled to mom as I put my shoes on. Mom grouchily got out of her bedroom and hollered to me, "It's 7:30 in the morning, on a Saturday! Where are you going?"

"Uh, the library. Ya, it opens early on Saturday's," I rapidly answered trying to get out of the house as soon as possible.

"Fine, go ahead. Come back soon!"

"I will!"

I walked outside feeling a wave guilt rush over me. Should I tell my parents the truth? The truth about Grove and the threat? No, like I said everyone in Treetop judges another and that includes my parents. Even if Rachel's not here she will forever be my parents favorite.


I drove far away from my house into the North part of Treetop. The place is completely abandoned and no one ever goes there. I parked on top of a hill and scrolled through the G.P.S. of my car. I looked through any possible thing about Grove but nothing really came that could have had to to do with Rachel. If I searched up anything to do with Grove in Treetop. It said that the address was invalid and that there was no Grove in Treetop. So the place didn't exist!

I looked through my laptop and searched for Grove, and found there was still nothing. I knew that if I wanted to really find out where Grove is I need to go use a computer that has every location and secret locked in its database. The only computer like that is the one at the police station.


I drove into a visitor space and was prepared to break in and hack into the computers, but then I realized the lights were on inside. I pressed my face against the cold window and I realized that there was a figure moving. It was moving towards the window! I ran behind a bush, and Avery popped out. I didn't know what to do, I stayed low and prayed that he wouldn't find me. Avery skimmed the parking lot, chuckled then looked over the bush and chortled, "Riley I saw you. You should probably come out unless you want to annoy a man with a gun," I uneasily got up and gave a sheepish smile.

"What are you doing here, at this time of night?" Avery asked

"Umm, I was just wondering if, if you had any more information about Rachel's case"I lied

"How did you know I was going to be here?"

"Uh, just had a hunch."

"Oh, um ok. You can come in. I decided to stay late and work more on your sister's case."

I walked into the police department everything seemed in order except for Avery's desk. Piles of papers were stacked along with 4 empty coffee cups. It looked like he was working on this case.

"So you said that Rachel came back from her boyfriends' party, the day that she was found"Avery confirmed

"Yes, she was coming back but she was supposed to be home by 9 and she left the party at 8:30 but I didn't find her until 12 o'clock midnight."

"Oh, ok then, so did her boyfriend seem sketchy, we're going to be interviewing him tomorrow"

"Well it was just confirmed today that when my sister was still, uh alive, he was cheating on her with her best friend"

Avery took a sharp inhale and asked me, "So you have a boyfriend right?" He said trying to change the subject.

Before I could answer I heard something, like a boom! I smelled smoke and I saw fire surrounding me and Avery. Avery was shouting something to me as he tried putting the fire out. but I couldn't hear him, I couldn't hear anything. I started coughing blood and then everything started spinning and then I blacked out.

Hello loves, how did you like this chapter? That cliffhanger though. I cannot stop shipping Avely! Also, what do you guys think Grove is?Also, do you guys like this new cover better than the old one? Vote and comment on this chapter your comments always make me laugh. Thank you for the love and the support, it means so much to me. Thank you to the followers I have you guys are amazing!! Hugs+Kisses


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