Ch. 1 The Last Time

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Dedicated to Rachel you are my bestie who throughout the entire of making this book supported me and had my back no matter how cringey the book got. Love you!

I remember the day, the smile, the blood, the death, I remember the sorrow, the tears, the pain, the lies. But mostly I remember her, the way she loved me, how much she cared, the promises she never broke.

I still love her. So much that every moment we shared, I treasure. My twin loved me and stood up for me every moment of my life.

She was perfect. Kind, popular, lovable, funny. In fact, I was jealous of her every now and then. I mean who wouldn't be? Look at gorgeous Rachel Elizabeth Shire. Then look at the quiet, ugly, unfashionable person I am. Who on Earth would like me, Riley?

But despite all that I loved Rach. But the police think otherwise. Ever since she was murdered, this whole town became a suspect. In Treetop, everyone judges another and with me being the prime suspect for my twin's death definitely did not make things easier with bullies.

People tend to stay at least five feet away from you at all times. When something happens, I am always blamed! Rach would've stopped this by now, but she was gone.

On a Friday night, Rachel was driving home from a party. I waited patiently at our house waiting for her to watch our favorite tv show from when we were little, Lizzie McGuire. It was sacred tradition to watch it with her, every Friday night during the summer. Hours passed and Rach never came home. Soon at 12 a.m, I checked my messages for the last time that night.

Rachel E. Shire

Coming Home🚗 8:32

Riley A. Shire

K👍 8:37

It's 9:30 where r u???!!!😤 9:34

God, I hate u sometimes. Ur always bailing on me w/ ur friends😡😡😡 9:56

Srsly? Ur not gonna reply?!  10:21

WTH ur such a fricking jerk DONT MESS AROUND! 10:58

Y haven't u replied? Srry😩11:19

Rach???? R u ok?!?!😨 11:38

Pls, reply!! 😓😓😓😓 11:57

Then the doorbell rang, with fear I slowly steered my body towards the door. "Ding." I move forward, hoping that it is either my parents or Rach. But I know Rach, she would have texted by now, it couldn't be my parents, they went on a "romantic getaway". All these possibilities ran through my head of who it could be. My hands shook and rattled grasping onto the doorknob. Fwoosh, the wind zoomed into my living room and gave me a chill. And then I saw a girl sitting on the ledge of the steps to my house. She was leaning against the wall on the side, with her back facing me.

The girl was wearing jeans and a leather jacket. Her hair was a light brown with hints of gold in it. Almost immediately it hit me that this girl was Rachel. I slowly stepped forward and whispered "Rach?" She didn't reply. I walked in front of her and faced Rachel. I realized that she had blood dripping from her neck and she was...asleep? Wait no, SHE WAS DEAD!


My relationship with Rach can be complicated. I love her a lot, I really do. But ever since our birthday in February, she just didn't seem the same. She just shut everyone out. Nobody really noticed that she was acting differently, except for me. It really bugged me, she wouldn't have time for me. That's another reason why I was mad at her.

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