Ch. 13 The Cabin

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Dedicated to my 5th-grade teacher, Mr. Giambone. That's really all I have to say soooooo.

A group of leaves fell on my forehead, waking me up from my dream. I was sleeping next Grandma's grave. I tried going into Grove but it was filled to the brim with dirt. The killer covered his tracks easily. I felt like shit, my hair was like a birds nest and I hadn't showered in two weeks. Yes, I was out wandering the city for two weeks and the police still didn't find me yet. I told you all the police were idiots, well except for Avery. I was so tired of sleeping on dirt, I needed to find someplace to stay. Maybe like a hotel or something, I did snag five hundred dollars from our safe.

I started drifting off deeper into the woods, maybe I'd go into the next town, Longdale. Maybe I could start over, forget my past. No, what was I thinking, I needed to get vengeance for Rachel. I had been walking for hours and hours and the sun was already setting. My feet were so sore and I felt like I could collapse any second. I finally reached the end of the forest, I had never gotten all the way out. I looked over the sunset, it was beautiful, the sky was pink striped with orange here and there. I could stare at it all day. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against a tree. I drifted off to sleep.

"Excuse me, are you ok?" I woke up to a man gently shaking me awake.

"What? Umm ya, I'm fine." I said getting up and dusting myself off.

"Are you sure? You look lost, here have some water" The man took a small water bottle out of his pocket and handed it to me. I was so grateful, I ran out of water. I gulped down the entire bottle.

"Thank you"

"You know I've seen you around the forest for the past two weeks. Are you living here?" The man asked

I took a sharp inhale, "Yes, I am"

"You know, I own a large cabin, you could stay there"

I didn't want what happened with Caleb to happen again, but the man didn't look like he'd do that. In fact he didn't even look like a man, he looked like he was around my age. Plus, I did badly need a place to stay and he looked like he genuinely cared.

I sighed and said, "Ok, thank you"

"No, problem. My name is Carter Hayes" Carter said holding his hand out. His blonde hair was swept in front of his face and I was fighting the urge to tuck it back behind his ear. 

"Riley Shire" I said shaking his hand. We walked to his cabin which wasn't far, it was huge, considering it was a cabin. It was two stories high and had a gorgeous terrace and had a little porch outside with tables and chairs.

"Wow, here take some cash, I'm so sorry that I'm staying here," I said handing Carter two hundred dollars.

"No, no, it's my pleasure." Carter smiled 

Helloooo, I know that ending was crappy. But I would like to say that OH MY LORD WE NOW HAVE 1.1K READS AND ALMOST 150 STARS YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS MEANS TO ME. THANK YOU PEEPS SO MUCH!!!!! ok so ya, also make a ship name for Carter and Riley I'll give a shoutout to the best one. And shoutout to Flower1Flower1Flower1 for making the ship name #Rachley for Riley and Rachel. OK so ya stay beautiful and comment and vote.

XOXO Hails

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