Ch. 8 A Forced Kiss

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Dedicated to @KookiesxCream you supported me through thick and thin and Ilysm you have always read my book and have given me positive feedback. Go check out her book, it is legit amazing 

"Dad, what's happening?" I asked after I heard him come back into the house, he had ran after my mom trying to convince her to stay. 

"Nothing, your mom's just moody, probably on her period." He answered

"What the hell dad? Even after she leaves you can't stop badmouthing her!" I yelled

"You know what I don't know who you think you are, but I don't need advice about my relationship from a 16 year old girl who's only boyfriend was murdered!" My dad yelled back

I was stunned, speechless, he was right. Before I knew it I was crying. Rachel was right, I am a crybaby. I grasped the door knob and before opening it I shouted to my dad.

"I'm sorry I didn't turn out like Rachel" I screamed

"You're just like your mother" My dad shouted back as I was slamming the door.

I knew I was making a big deal about this but it hurt. I ran down to the Lake Gray Waters. It was mesmerizing and calming at night with the moonlight shining on it giving it the full essence. I sat down and dipped my toes in, the water was cool and refreshing. I stared off into the full moon, Rachel and I came down here a lot. We did whenever we got trouble, which we got into a lot. I closed my eyes listening to the water splashing around. I folded my arms and laid my head softly crying trying to clear every bad thing that's happened to me. Quite a lot happened.

"Wow, we meet again Riley!" I heard a voice say

"Caleb, hi." This guy was everywhere.

"You come down to this lake often?"

"Ya, I came down with my sister," I said trying to wipe the tears from my face before he noticed.

Caleb took a sharp inhale, so he knew about Rachel too.

"Is there a reason you were crying?" Caleb asked holding a hand on my back. I shifted hoping he'd get the message, he did, he removed his hand.

Thoughts rushed back to me. Why wouldn't I be crying? My sister was murdered. My boyfriend was murdered. To top it all off my parents are getting divorced. Then just like that I started hysterically sobbing. I tried muffling my sobs by burying my face deep into my arms.

"It's ok, let it out, you don't need to talk about it." I cried into his shoulder, his shirt was getting wet, I hope he didn't mind.

I let it all out and dried my tears. My eyes were still red and I just wanted to sleep. I wanted this all to just be a horrible nightmare, I wanted all of this to go away. I wanted Rachel back, I wanted my family back, I wanted Avery back. I needed to go.

"Thank you, but I need to go now" I said smiling at Caleb.

Caleb didn't answer, he looked at me unsurely and then before I could understand what was happening he was kissing me, he was moving his lips and caressing my face. I backed away.

"What are you doing?" I asked holding my fingers to my lips, he kissed them harshly.

"I'm sorry, I thought-" Caleb began

"I don't know you at all, and I'm not really in the mood for a relationship," I said thinking back to Avery.

"Look, I know that cop was your friend, but you can't cry about him forever, you have to move on!" Caleb said grasping my hand as I immediately pulled it away.

"I-I can't, I won't"

"Please just give me a chance, you'd never know. It's a been a month, when are you going to move on?"

"That is none of your business, I don't even know you!"

"Well, if we went on a date, you would. Please just give me a chance, if you don't like the date we never have to speak to each other again, please."

I thought about it. I still miss Avery, but he was right no matter what Avery can't come back. But I still don't like Caleb, but maybe this was a distraction. Maybe this would take my mind off Avery, off everything.

"Ok" I answered

Hello, peeps. Did you like this chapter? I like #Caililey!  Hang on a little bit next chapter will make you wanna run off a cliff, (Lol, jk. Plz don't run off a cliff) Anyway once again love you peeps comment and vote! (Sorry for the crappiness of this chapter it's midnight rn and im supes tired)

XOXO Hails

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