Ch. 17 Blondie

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Dedicated to my family for being so supportive of this book. Love you guys!

Rachel's P.O.V.

"Dad? Something happened."I said, I almost vomited calling Sean 'dad'.

"Shut up, go hide, there's someone coming. This time don't be so stupid to hide behind a fucking curtain!" Sean said

I nodded my head and hid behind a bookshelf behind the door. I looked through the crack of the door, it looked like some hot blondie. Maybe once we get out of here I could snag him. From what I could see, sex with him would be a delight. I needed to get laid, it's been almost five months!

"Excuse me, have you seen my girlfriend? We live nearby and I can't find her anywhere." The man's voice was cracking and he was clearly crying. Damn it, he has a girlfriend. No problem, men cheat on their girlfriends for me.

"No, I live by myself I haven't seen anyone," Sean said

"Ok, well if you do see her, she has this gorgeous wavy brown hair and this pretty blue, green, gray eyes, and the cutest little mole on her cheek, oh and she smells like vanilla, her name is Riley Shire" Oh my god, how did Riley get a boyfriend? I thought she'd never get one, even better, a blonde- a hot blonde. Damn her boobs must be bigger than I thought.

"Look I said no don't bother me." Sean said slamming the door, "Now what did you want to tell me" Sean said stroking a finger down my cheek, damn he was creepy as fuck.

"The leaves worked, she's dead," I said

"Great, let's burn her, help me carry her body up, " Sean said going down the stairs. Damn, I hope this works.

I saw Riley when I came down, she froze. 

Shoot Riley!

She stood still her eyes as big as saucers. I looked at her and gave her a stern look. She dropped the gun and covered her mouth. 

"Well, was this a little plan, I should've known," Sean said turning around and grabbing my waist, "You'll learn to love me" He whispered. Eww, he was horny too! 

Sean walked over to Riley and took out his gun, "Tsk tsk, you could have been a wonderful sex slave, I was thinking about saving you." Ok, that crosses the line. I kicked Sean's knee from behind, his knee buckled and he fell to the floor. I held my foot down on his chest and grabbed his gun.

"Rot in hell Bitch!" I shouted and shot him. The bang was so loud my ears were ringing the shit out of me.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't do it!" Riley said

"Hey no, it's ok. Come on let's go"

We got out of the hell hole and I saw the hot blondie walking over to our house. Immediately Riley ran into his arms and started crying. Wow, now I feel guilty. They were so cute together. Riley dragged the blondie over to me.

"Hi, I'm Carter Hayes, I'm really sorry about what happened." He smiled, Carter I like it, but I'm still going to call him blondie in my mind.

"It doesn't matter I'm free now." I grinned

HEYY MY GORGEOUS PEOPLE! Thank you guys so much for over 2K reads and over 250 votes. Also, I'm so so so grateful that Half a Twin is number one out of 1000 books in Mystery/Thriller Rising books. I love you guys so much for making my first book on wattpad such a success I can't even express how grateful I am. Vote+Comment my lovelies

XOXO Hails 

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