Ch. 9 Not Twins

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Dedicated to @Inner_Demons2019 you always supported me and always cared, thank you so much. Go check out her books I'm in love with them!

It had been a week since I had gone to the lake, and by then my mom filed the divorce papers. It would take another 6 months for them to be officially divorced, but she was moving out now.

"Please, why did you file these? Please stay!" My dad was calling after my mom waving around the divorce papers as my mom packed her things.

"I have had enough! I'm taking Riley with me." My mom shouted.

Dad and I both didn't know about this. Should I go? All my memories growing up were here. But I wanted to be with Mom, and I could always visit.

"Go pack your things Riley," My mom told me

My dad didn't protest, I guess he didn't care. I started packing my clothes and all my books. I put in a little box memories of Rachel. Once I finished packing I saw my Mom at the front door waiting.

"Ok, Raymond bye." My mom said giving Dad a quick hug

"Bye, Dad," I said hugging my Dad. 

My dad stood there and didn't say a word. My mom took her stuff packed it into her car and started driving away.

"Where are we going?" I asked 

"I rented out a little apartment, I had been looking at it for a long time and now I got it"

"So you've been thinking about divorcing a long time?"

"Yes, your father and I just weren't meant for each other."

My mom reached her apartment. It was small and dainty. But I liked it, it looked cozy and welcoming. I went into a room that looked like it would be my bedroom. It was small, it had a twin sized bed in the corner, a desk in another, and a little dresser. I loved it.

After I had set everything up I started helping in the kitchen and put plates and cups away.

"Wow, you are quite the helper today." My mom smiled.

I smiled back, we had placed everything back and we were finally able to relax. My mom decided to watch some sappy romance movie, which apparently she loved. In fact, she even cried at the end, I think it was called, "Titanic" or something.

It was around 7 by the time the movie finished, I needed to get ready for this stupid date. I didn't like Caleb, but I need something, anything to get my mind of this madness. Just like my first date with Avery, Caleb told me to dress fancy. My dress was a little more simple, it was a pretty springtime frock that went to my knees.

I had arrived at the restaurant, at least it was fine to be seen in public with him, he was 16 like me after all. This restaurant looked extremely expensive and I started judging my choice of clothes. I had found Caleb seated in the middle of the restaurant.

"I thought I told you to dress Black Tie" He muttered looking embarrassed.

"Sorry" I replied

"Whatever, I ordered for you. We are having Snail Caviar and Corn Fungus" 

"What? I could've ordered for myself"

"Well, I'm paying so I should get to decide" Caleb snapped back.

"Ok, fair enough."

The rest of the evening went like usual, we didn't talk much and Caleb wasn't nearly as fun as Avery on our first date. But, I can't expect everyone to be like Avery.

"Ok goodnight," I said getting into my car.

"Ok, I had a great time" Caleb nervously answered doing that thing where he stuffes his hands into his jeans.

"Ok, good" I said

Caleb leaned to kiss me, but I backed away and he kissed me on my cheek instead. I didn't like Caleb, but I need a diversion. I want something that makes me happy, and if going out and eating corn fungus is what makes me happy, so be it.

I drove back to mom's apartment and I found her sprawled on the couch crying.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked

"I should h-have told you before," My mom said sobbing

"What? What's happening"

"You and Rachel, aren't twins." 

Ayyyyyee. Holo peeps like that cliffhanger? So what do you guys think about Caleb? So what do you guys like better #Avely or #Caililey. Anyways WE HAVE 700 READS OMG. I luv u peeps so much for this and we almost have 90 votes. You peeps are awesome. Ok love you guys and vote and comment.


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