Ch. 11 Mistakes, Mistakes

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Dedicated to@Flower1Flower1Flower thanks for being such a strong supporter of this book!!

 Caleb had called me over to his house. His home was huge equipped with butlers and maids. I saw him and his family waiting outside their door on their tiled porch. Caleb was standing with his mom, dad, and brother. I felt so guilty. I was planning on telling him that it wasn't working out. As much as I wanted a diversion from the crap in my life, I wanted someone who made me happy not some guy who made me feel insecure and awkward.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Minnow" I smiled shaking their hands. They both looked gorgeous and could easily pass for Caleb's older siblings.

"Hello, Riley is it? Yes, Caleb has told us about you." Mrs. Minnow smiled so wide that her eyes were almost shut. Was that a fake smile?

I smiled again trying to hide how bad my conscience felt for even thinking about dumping Caleb.  

"Here for making our son so happy we thought about giving you a little gift." Mr. Minnow sneered pridefully handing me a pearl necklace and earring set as if I couldn't afford it.

"Wow thank you, really but I don't need this," I said handing the pearl set back.

"It is quite shameful to not accept a gift from the Minnows," Caleb said handing it back

I gave up and smiled once again thanking them. Was this a bribery gift to make me stay? No, of course not, the Minnow's were nice people. I think.

I went up into Caleb's room with him. His room looked like it belonged to a model home. He had a huge king sized bed and a flat screen t.v. His room had stairs descending down into a game room which had a pool table and a lounge area and an arcade center. Caleb said he had to go check with his brother for something. I waited in his room and looked through a little book on his nightstand, 'All About Me'.

I could overhear bits and pieces of their conversation since their rooms were right next to each other.

I heard the word, 'condom' and 'virgin'.

Oh, God.  

Was that what I think it means. No, you're so paranoid, Riley. He's probably just joking around with his brother. 

"Hey, Riley" Caleb smiled walking in.

"Hi, Caleb, we need t- never mind" I smiled, I thought about telling him we should break up, but he got me a gift just now, I can't now.

Caleb grinned and started kissing me harshly, biting my lip and he shoved me onto his bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked as Caleb took off his shirt. He slid a hand up my shirt while the other held my wrists down so I couldn't move.

"Caleb, stop!" I shouted but just then he moved his hands off my wrist and covered my mouth instead. 

I tried pushing him off but he put all his weight and force holding me down.

"Caleb seriously, I don't want to" I muffled through his hand.  

His hand slipped under my bra and crushed my boobs. I shrieked in pain but Caleb didn't care, he sat up, still on me, to unhook my bra, and when he did I immediately pushed him off.

"What the hell?" Caleb shouted

"Fuck you! I grabbed my shirt and put it back on.

"I didn't even like you, you psychopathic bitch! I just wanted you for sex, and you can't even give me that!" Caleb shouted slamming the pearl set against his wall, I saw all the beads fall apart.

"I knew this was a mistake." I whispered wiping my tears and I ran down and slammed their front door and ran to my car. I never wanted to see him again.  

I wanted to run away from this nightmare. Everyday something worse happens. Why can't I ever be happy? I parked my car in front of my mom's apartment. I ran in, mom wasn't home. Good, I took a big backpack and filled it with 4 pairs of clothes and food and water and anything else I would need. I wanted to get away from this living hell. I will.

I'm going to run away and I'm never going to come back.

HOLOZ. This is the last chapter of Part 2. Now we are on our last part, part 3. So what did you peeps think about Caleb and his family? Also *Squeal* Almost 800 reads WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 1K love you peeps so much. Comment what u guys wanna see next part. This chapter was so spicy and hard to write, this was my least favorite chapter, poor Riley everything just gets worse and worse. Also so many peeps are reading this book I just want to call out all the countries that are reading this book rn.

U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, Norway, Tunisia, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, India, Philippines, and Australia.

Thank you to all of you guys!! Ok, I love you peeps and comment+vote. 

😘 😘 😘 Hails  

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