Ch. 5 The Real Killer

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Dedicated to my beautiful, beautiful Krystal. You have helped me with this book SO MUCH. I'm not even kidding or exaggerating when I say, this book would be nowhere without you. I love you to the moon back. #SOULSISTAS

I woke up to a whisper and a gentle push.

"Riley, wake up" I opened my eyes and saw Avery leaning over me.

"Come, we got to get you home," Avery said grabbing his car keys.

I followed Avery out of his apartment and to his car. He started driving to Emma's house. I had told my parents I was sleeping over at Emma's house tonight when they asked me where I was going. He parked in front of her house.

"Ok, I hope that was a memorable first date" Avery said

"Ya, thank you. I enjoyed tonight"

"Good, so uh, bye?" Avery unsurely asked

"Bye," I said leaning on my tippy toes and I locked lips with Avery. He kissed me back harder. When I finally pulled away I noticed something in the window. It was Emma. She had seen the whole thing. Why did she always interfere with my love life?

I gave Avery one last hug and went into Emma's house.

"Did you have to stare at us, Emma?" I asked Emma while she was pretending to read a book.

Emma blushed and said, "Well you know you're a better kisser than I thought you were Riley"

We both burst out laughing. Emma's parents weren't home so we spent the entire night watching a Harry Potter marathon. I loved the books, but the only reason Emma watches it is cause she thinks Daniel Radcliffe is hot.


I stayed at Emma's house for another night to finish the marathon. I left Emma's house and walked to my home. We lived a few blocks apart. My eyes were burning from the light. It was such a bad idea to watch 19 hours of Harry Potter in one day. I finally reached my home and I saw my dad on the couch with an ice pack over his head. 

"What's wrong dad?" I asked

"I was stuck in an elevator at work for almost five hours" My dad answered

"What! Are you serious? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine I just want to take nap," My dad said closing his eyes

Was this part of the killer's plan? Or just a mere coincidence? I wanted to know, I needed to know. What does the killer even want against my family? I'm done with constantly having to look over my shoulder. My family doesn't deserve this. I am going to kill the killer.


I stood on top of the tombstone. I snuck into my dad's safe and took his gun with me. I didn't know how to use it but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try. I lifted up the tombstone holding the gun shakily. I slowly climbed down the steps. This time the entire chamber was lit up with candles. The same candles from Avery's apartment.

I looked around, everything was gone the table the pictures everything. But in the corner of the chamber, there seemed to be something there. It looked tall, was that a person? Was that the killer.

"Show yourself, I have a gun. I will use it if I have to " I quavered

The man stepped out of the corner into the light he was wearing all black with gloves and boots and a mask. He looked tall and from what I could tell had green eyes. My heart sunk, was that Av-. No, it couldn't be, It wouldn't be. Right?

"Take off your mask" I called out.

 The man stood still and didn't do anything.

"Take off your mask!" I shouted and cocked my gun.

The man slid his mask off. I saw the same green eyes that once looked at me with admiration. The same silky brown hair he'd run his hands through. The same lips that I had kissed just a day ago. He looked at me apologetically. 

"Riley this is not what it looks like please hear me out."

I stood there shocked as tears slid down my cheek. 

"Go away, leave me" I said my voice shattering

"Please jus-" Avery began

"No! Just go, just leave me!" I screeched at the top of my lungs.

A little beep came from something on his wrist and then he went to the ladder but before he began climbing up he stopped, "I'm sorry" He whispered and shot up the ladder.

HELLO, BEAUTIES! All I can say is wow, just wow. Riley's life just plain sucks (Sorry for the short chapter). Also, WE ARE NOW NUMBER 292 IN MYSTERY AND THRILLER. I love you peeps so much for this! Let's aim for the top 100! Also, I changed the titles name from Half a Twin: Secrets of Grove to just "Half a Twin". I was going to make this a trilogy but I decided to just make it one book. Let's not forget that WE GOT PAST 200 READS. I honestly didn't think it was possible! And shout out to readers from the UK! I love all of you guys so much! XOXO 

 I honestly didn't think it was possible! And shout out to readers from the UK! I love all of you guys so much! XOXO 

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Once again, Love you beauties


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