Ch. 15 Alive

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Dedicated to @aristel11, for making amazing books and for reading through and giving me positive feedback.  

"Oh my god Carter, not in my hair!" I giggled as Carter threw flour into my hair. We were trying to make cupcakes but failed miserably. We ended up making a huge mess, but Carter didn't seem to mind.

"Oh, not in your hair? Sorry" Carter sarcastically said as he cracked an egg on my head.

I took the frosting squirted it all over Carter's face at the same time Carter took his entire bottle vanilla essence and poured all of it onto me.

"I'm gonna smell like a crappy bakery for the rest of the day!" I laughed

Carter reeled me into a hug and placed his chin on top of my head and sighed, "I wouldn't mind"

"Oh Carter, Carter. Here I am going to start cleaning up." I said throwing the eggshells into the trash can. Carter and I cleaned up the kitchen and went off to the bathrooms to take a shower.

Carter and I sat in the living room and snuggled close to watch "The Ring". Carter was grinning like a madman, "What?" I asked

"You still smell like vanilla." Carter laughed. The movie ended and we both went off to bed. But I couldn't sleep though, possibly because I was scared that the girl crawling through Carter's t.v. He had like 10 t.v.'s. I took a flashlight and went out for a little fresh air. The moon lit up most of the path. I wandered off exploring, I've probably been walking for almost an hour. I had never gone this far before, but I saw something, it looked like another light. It looked like another cabin, how many cabins did Carter own? This cabin was a lot bigger than Carter's it was ginormous. I walked closer to the cabin, and knocked on the door, it looked like someone was trespassing in Caleb's cabin. A man opened the door, and as soon as he saw me his eyes lit up.

"Here come in." The man said 

"No thank you, I was just wondering, you own this cabin right?" I clarified

"Oh, I don't know. Here why don't you stay here while I go get my rental papers" The man said going off to a room.

I looked around and saw a little girl hiding behind a curtain with her back tomorrow.

"Excuse me? You can come out." I said

"I'm sorry" the girl whispered faintly as she came out. The same brown hair, the same green eyes, the same girl. 


Was that really her? The man came back holding a gun and shot me in my leg. I fell to the ground and saw Rachel staring at me. Rachel, she was alive, but ... Before I could think the man shot my arm. Then everything spun and it went black. 

HOLO, this cliffhangerrrr. Ok anyway, I need to do something.




I'm loving Carley obviously. Ok anyway, what did u guys think of this chapter? Did u guys like it? What do u guys think is gonna happen next chapter?  Also, ALMOST 1.5K READS JESUS GUYS YOU ARE FRIGGIN AMAZING. Ok love you peeps and comment and vote

XOXO Hails

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