12 Years

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Dedicated to all of my readers wherever you are and whoever you are I love you guys and none of this would have been possible with you.

It's been 12 years since I helped Rachel escape from Sean. Things have been great, not the same but better. My father, Raymond, was not pressed charges. He's a lot happier now that he's not with my mom anymore. I did some more research and I found out that my real dad had died when I was 14 from lung cancer. But I also found out that he was able to pursue his dream of being an artist and that he made millions of dollars and won numerous awards for his paintings, so at least he was happy. My mom was happy too, she married John Newark and they're perfect together.

I was happy too, Carter and I dated for another seven years before I asked him for his hand in marriage when I was 23 and he was 24, Yes you heard that right, I'm the one who proposed! Now I'm 28 and I have 4-year-old twins, (actual twins, none of that horrible drama), I named them both Riley and Rachel in hopes that they would have a better life than me and Rachel. Rachel married her doctor, Greg. They both now have a 1-year-old boy named Avery, (Cute, I know). I'm so glad that everything turned out great.  

We were having a family reunion right now at the park. We were having a cute little picnic and we were waiting for Rachel to come so that we could start. It's actually been a really long time since I last saw my family. I saw them four years ago when my twins were born. I saw Rachel park and she rushed to me and squeezed me into a hug, "I love you" we said at the same time.

I'M SO SAD TO FINISH THIS BOOK!! It took me forever to write this chapter because I couldn't stop crying. I love all of you guys so much, I wouldn't be anywhere if I didn't have such amazing readers. My first book on Wattpad was such a hit, No. 69 in Mystery and Thriller and No. 1 in Mystery and Thriller Rising Books and I can only thank you guys for that! I want to call out to the different places around the world that are reading this book right now.

U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, Dominic Republic, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Norway, Tunisia, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Morocco, Oman, Spain, Botswana, Kenya, South Africa, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Israel, Malaysia, Phillippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Australia, Taiwan, Greece, Saudia Arabia, Jordan, and Bangladesh. 

I want to thank all of you beautiful people all over the world. *Hugs each and every one of you* I love you guys so much for everything. If you liked this book the sequel is out!

 If you liked this book the sequel is out!

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