Ch. 12 Rachel

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Dedicated to my bestie @RachelHazelGranger this is the second time I dedicated a chapter to you, but Ilysm and you pushed me through this book and always gave me advice on how to make it better. Go read her book, it's so fascinating and it legit made me cry.

Rachel's P.O.V.                                                                                                                                                                     Night of the Murder       

"Come on Adam let's go someplace... private" I whispered into Adam's ear hoping he'd get the message.

"Ok, we can go to my room" Adam said grabbing my waist.

Adam was a complete idiot, but sex with him was like heaven. Of course, I was going to dump him after sophomore year. We ran up to his room, which the buffoon didn't even bother cleaning. Whatever, all of this was worth it. I got a text from Riley.

Riley A. Shire

Are you on your way?8:30 

She want's me home to watch Lizzie McGuire of all things. She was such a dork, but my dork. 

Rachel E. Shire

Coming Home 🚗8:32

I lied to her, but I wasn't going to give up my time with Adam to watch some kids show.

I threw my phone off to the side and climbed onto Adam. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt as he threw off his jeans. I stripped down till I was nude as Adam did the same, and so it began.


"Ok, I should go now. That was good Adam." I said to Adam blowing him a kiss as I put my clothes back on. Don't worry this wasn't my first. I lost my virginity in 8th grade to a Junior. Unlike Riley, she was still a virgin. She hasn't even had a boyfriend before.

I ran down, looks like the party was still going. Maybe I could stay a little longer, no, Riley was such a crybaby. She'd be so mad if she knew I stayed at the party.

I ran into my car and started driving as quickly as possible, shit, it was already 10. I looked around for my phone and I realized I left it at the party. Damnit! Whatever I'll get it later, I kept driving the party was at Adam's cabin it was far off and isolated. I drove for what seemed like forever on endless road, I saw some light coming toward me, was that a? Oh My God. It was a car, I swerved to the right, but not in time I hit the car and my head banged against the steering wheel and I think something's lodged in my stomach. The man who was driving the car came out and whispered something I couldn't tell the ringing in my ear overpowered. He dragged me out of my car and threw me into his backseat. I groaned in pain as the thing in my stomach lodged in deeper. He heard me groan and said something like "Shh, you're going to be ok. I'm not going to hurt you." He then took out the glass that was lodged in the stomach and bandaged the wound. The man got into his car and drove right into my car, the force pushed my car off the hill into a nearby river.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked the man, I had never seen him before.

"Nothing. I'm not going to hurt you. I am going to give you the life you deserve, the life you were meant to have... daughter" The man replied.

HOOOOLLLLOOOOO That cliffhanger tho. I really wanted to write this and I wasn't sure whether to. I realized you guys never really knew who Rachel is, so here you go. I hope you guys liked this chapter because it was so fun to write. So now that you guys have some more information who do u guys think the killer is? Comment+Vote Ilysm!!


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