Chapter 22 | Positive

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Five minutes sure do seem like five hours when you're anxious.


I took a deep breath before looking at one of the tests. The sight of two red lines caused me to inwardly scream. My eyes widened, they had to be deceiving me. Though I had skimmed over the back of the box several times, and I was pretty sure of what two lines meant, I still felt the need to recheck myself.


I gasped and looked at the other three tests.

Positive. Positive. Positive.

I gasped again, only louder. "No," I whined.

"Aye, Morgan," I heard Static say on the other side of the bathroom door. "You good in there?" he asked.

I sniffed. "Yeah," I replied, "I'll be out in a minute."

I stared at all four pregnancy tests. This couldn't be really happening to me. My eyes started burning with tears. I put the tests back into the boxes they came in and put the boxes back into the store sack. I opened the bathroom door and went into DeVanté's room. The sound of the front door closing and footsteps caused me to hurriedly place the sack in my shoulder strap purse.

The door opened and in walked DeVanté. He noticed me and gave a smile. I returned his smile. "Back already?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said as he took off one of his shoes, "Suge just needed to show me something real quick." He took off his other shoe before walking into the bathroom.

I sat on the bed, contemplating on whether or not I should tell him about the pregnancy tests.

No, don't tell him...

DeVanté came out of the bathroom. I thought he was taking his pills, until I heard the toilet flush and no rattling noise. I took note of the fact that around this time of day, I would usually hear rattling from his pill bottle. I hadn't heard it lately and it left me curious. Did he stop taking his pills, or was I just not around to hear when he did?

He looked at my hair. "You must've went somewhere," he said. I had the top of it pulled up into a ball with the rest of it down. He knows I don't do anything with my hair in the mornings until I go somewhere.

"Uh, y-yeah-"

"You went out like that?" he asked, pointing to my shorts and tank top.

Nigga, it's July. What the hell do you expect me to wear? 😑

"I just went to the grocery store," I replied.

"For what?" he asked before plopping down on the bed and turning on the TV.

To mind my grown business.

I was sure not to look him in his eyes, for they would discombobulate me. "We ran out of eggs, so I went to the store and bought some more," I said.

I was tempted to say "Problem?" but I knew better.

"Awe hell. You cooked and didn't make me none? You ain't right," he said in a jokingly manner while looking at the TV.

"You weren't here." I forced myself to laugh. "My bad," I said. "Static still down there?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Nah, he left when I got here. He was only here to watch you," he replied.

Watch me? Man, what the fuck? I don't need a babysitter.

"Oh, okay," I said as I started walking out of his room.

"Where you going?" he asked me.

Anywhere away from you. 😬

"Just downstairs," I replied.

"You don't want to stay in here with me?" he asked.

Nope, I do not. Thanks for asking.

"I mean..."

"Why you don't want to stay in here with me?" he asked in a baby voice. He poked his bottom lip out and pouted. I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.

I walked over to him and sat down beside him on the bed. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me on the lips. After a few seconds, I pulled away, giving him a slight smile.


DeVanté had constantly been feeling and kissing on me and it was starting to make me mad. I really was not in the mood.

I glanced over at him to see he was giving me a weird look. His stare caused me to bite down on my lip as my body to tensed up. Why was he staring at me, had I done something to make him mad?

"What's wrong with you?" he inquired.


I looked down at my hands. "Uh, n-nothing."

That wasn't even close to being believable. 😭

"Morgan," he said sternly. I looked at him. "What the fuck wrong with you? Why you acting like you got a attitude or something?" he asked.

I sighed. "I don't have an attitude, there's nothing wrong with me," I said.

He smacked his lips. "I don't have an attitude, there's nothing wrong with me," he mocked me as he got up from the bed and put his shoes back on.

Childish ass motherfucka.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Girl, don't question me in my house."

"Oh my fuckin-" I cut myself off and groaned before and shook my head.

He cut his eyes at me. His eyes always got to me, always shut me up. "You probably on ya' period, go to sleep or somethin'," he said.

He grabbed his keys and left his room, going down the stairs. I slightly jumped at the sound of the front door slamming. He was so dramatic, a big ass drama king.

I knew it would be hard for me to be around DeVanté while keeping it a secret that I was pregnant, but I didn't know it would be this damn hard.

My pregnancy tests being positive had me feeling some type of way. I was only eighteen, I hadn't even started college yet. My life was over. How could I tell DeVanté? How could I tell Aunt Gayle? She'd be so disappointed in me, I was disappointed in myself. For the better or for the worse, I'm not sure which, but I knew this was going to completely change everything.

What was I going to do?

So Morgan's pregnant with a little DeGrate, but y'all figured that. 🙃 Wonder where DeVanté dramatic ass went. 🤔

Yo, how long did it take me to post this update? Like a year and some weeks? 😭🤦🏽‍♀️


Thanks for reading!

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