If I Fall Down. [Frikey]

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A/N: This is my first attempt at a Frikey, I'm really sorry if I bore you, but if you like it, please comment, I'd really appreciate it, and I'd love to know what you think! Thank you for reading! xo

"Gerard! Get up, you lazy ass!" Mikey demanded, throwing one of the dull-brown pillows - which had originally been on the sofa - at his brother's sleeping form. A sound of protest escaped from the bundle of blankets and pillows, but Mikey ignored it, drawing the curtains away from the window and letting the sun illuminate his brother's tiny bedroom.

"Mikey! Just one more minute!" Gerard grumbled as he pulled the blankets up over his head, obviously annoyed to have been woken from his slumber. But Mikey, in fact, couldn't care less whether he was annoyed or not. They had a band practice to get to, and they were running late.

"No, we're running late at it is! Get up!" Mikey explained impatiently, slowly losing his temper with his older brother. Luckily, Gerard seemed to have gotten the point, as he was slowly sitting up, his left hand rubbing his black-rimmed eye sleepily.

Instead of giving Gerard time to come around, Mikey dug through Gerard's wardrobe, throwing a clean shirt, a pair of jeans, and various bits of underwear at the still half-asleep Gerard.

"Ugh!" Gerard groaned, throwing the blankets off and getting out of his bed. "At least give me a chance to wake up!"

Instead of replying, Mikey just rolled his eyes at his brother behind his thick-rimmed glasses. Sometimes, Mikey had to act as the oldest of the two brothers, ordering Gerard around and making sure he got everywhere he was supposed to be on time - now for example.

"Hurry up and get changed, and then get your ass downstairs, I'm leaving in ten." Mikey said cooly, before hurrying out of the room to let his brother get changed. Trying to occupy himself whilst he waited for Gerard, he strolled over to the coffee machine in the tiny kitchen area and switched it on. Letting his mind wander, Mikey placed a cup underneath where the coffee was about to spew out of the machine.

"Mikey! Where's my eyeliner gone?" Gerard cried, crashing out of his bedroom, fully-dressed now. It was so sudden, that Mikey almost knocked the cup which was in the coffee machine onto the floor. He spun around quickly, his eyes wide.

"Don't burst in like that so suddenly!" Mikey muttered, letting his heartbeat calm down before answering him. "Yeah, I borrowed it, it's in my bedroom." He pointed to a door to the right, as he couldn't be bothered to get it himself.

"Didn't I tell you before to get your own?" Mikey heard Gerard mumble as he hurried into Mikey's room. This only caused a smirk to spread across Mikey's face. Now he knew it annoyed Gerard, he would do it all the more.

After a few minutes, Gerard was - finally - ready, and the boys piled out of their small apartment, Mikey completely forgetting about the coffee he had just made. Gerard had to help Mikey with his amplifier, as he didn't need to take anything other than himself. Mikey had his bass guitar slung across his back, both his hands occupied by carrying the amp. Mikey saw no point in going to Ray's by car, as it was only around the corner, by Gerard made him.

"Ray!" Mikey shouted as he ran up to the door, leaving Gerard to bring the amp by himself - much to Gerard's annoyance. Hearing the voice of his bandmate, and also his very close friend, Ray stumbled to the door as quickly as possible and swung it open.

"Mikey! Gerard! Come in guys! I've got everything set up, just need you, Gee and your bass now.." Ray grinned, before darting back into the house and down into the basement, his mass of hair bouncing as he did so.

"Mikes! Help?" Gerard asked, struggling to carry the amplifier to the house. Rolling his eyes and laughing, Mikey helped his brother get the amplifier into the house and into Ray's basement.

"Mikeyway!" Matt, the drummer for the band, called, before wrapping his arms around the younger boy. Surprised, Mikey didn't react at first, but then he grinned and patted the others back awkwardly.

"Hey, Matt." He greeted, before pulling away. His eyes flitted over to Gerard, who was stood by his microphone, checking the volume.  "Should we practice, then?"

"Sure!" Matt cried, jumping up and down on the spot like a child, and then running around his drum kit to sit on the stool. Shaking his head, Mikey walked over to his bass and slung the strap over his body, not needing to tune it as he had done that in the morning. The others got their instruments, and looked at Gerard expectantly.

"Hmm..How about, Skylines and Turnstiles?" Gerard asked, and everyone nodded their head in agreement. Skylines and Turnstiles was the bands first song that they had written by themselves, which Gerard wrote shortly after the 9/11 attacks. The band had come quite far since then, having recorded their own album, and even gaining a few extra fans.

"One, two, three, four." The guitar, drums and bass kicked in, echoing loudly off the walls of the large, almost-empty basement. After a few seconds, Gerard came in.

"You're not in this alone! Can we break this awkward silence? Let me, go!" He sang with his eyes closed, putting all his effort into it. This was one of the reasons Mikey really looked up to his brother. No matter how bad his life got, and no matter how small a venue they played, Gerard always put all his heart into his music, and always tried his best to entertain the audience.

Mikey also envied his brother's voice. Mikey had never been one to sing, and he was never going to be confident enough to sing infront of others - he couldn't even sing infront of his own brother he was embarrased so easily.

As the song ended, Ray sighed loudly, his brows furrowed in frustration. The guitarist had played perfectly, so Mikey couldn't spot what was wrong.

"What's up, Ray?" Mikey questioned, wandering over to him. Ray looked up, his face annoyed, yet determind.

"You know, I really think we need another guitarist, the music just sounds so..Empty." He scratched his chin with his index finger, wondering who would be best to have in the band. Mikey only dragged a hand through his mousy-brown hair, which he had actually washed this morning.

"Hmm, don't you think it's a bit too soon? We've got a gig in about a week." Mikey mumbled, the others listening closesly to them. Ray shook his head quickly, his hair becoming even more messy.

"I can see what you mean, but I really think we need one." Ray explained after he was finished shaking his head.

"Hey, what about that Frank guy? The guy who sings for Pencey Prep? He's a good guitarist!" Gerard suggested, his voice being amplified by his microphone which he still stood by.

"Yeah! Frank would be great! He's a great guy. I'll ask him right after this practice!" Ray bounced up and down, a grin spread across his face. Mikey was wondering why he seemed to be the only one that didn't know who this Frank guy was, but he just went along with it anyway.

"Er, yeah, great idea." Mikey nodded his head, his glasses almost slipping off the end of his nose.

"Well, Frank it is then!" Ray punched his hand up into the air, overjoyed to - hopefully - have a new guitarist. Right now, getting Frank in the band seemed like a good idea to Mikey, but he didn't know how much he would regret it later.

If I Fall Down. [Frikey]Where stories live. Discover now