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"Wait..I'm sure we've got a gig tonight." Ray murmured, after getting up to leave. Mikey's eyes flicked over to meet Frank's, which were wide in shock.

"SHIT!" The three boys shouted at the same time, leaping from their seats and rushing around to get their equiptment ready. Gerard yelped, before calling for Matt - who was in the bathroom. Only after searching for several minutes did Frank realise that he'd left his guitar at home. "Damn, I need to go home, can you give me a lift Ray? I forgot my car!"

Ray nodded quickly. "Sure, I need to go home anyway to get my own stuff. Quick! We've got half an hour!" The two boys ran as fast as they could down the stairs out to the car. Mikey followed, calling after Frank.

"What is it?" Frank turned, hoping Mikey would be quick.

"I was just wondering, couldn't we ring the guy who's doing the gig for us and say we're gonna' be a little bit late?" Mikey asked, but Frank waved it off.

"Don't worry, we'll be there in time." Ray was already in his car with the engine started, so Frank quickly pecked Mikey on the cheek - luckily Gerard was still busy sorting out his things - and stepped into the road.

Mikey saw the accident before it had even occured. The car turned down the road, music blaring from the speakers, going at God-knows-what miles-per-hour. The guy in the front was too occupied with changing the music channel to notice Frank until it was too late.

"FRANK!" Mikey screamed, but he was too late. The car slammed on it's breaks, but it still crashed into Frank, sending him tumbling forwards several metres - breaking bones in the process. The car halted, and Frank fell to the ground in a heap, his consiousness slipping away from him.

"NO!" Was all Mikey could shout as he watched the scene unfolding. The guy in the car stopped his engine and climbed out, seeming in a state of shock. Ray pulled out his phone to call the emergency services. Frank moaning quietly on the floor, before losing his conciousness.

Mikey was in shock, all he could do was stare at Frank's limp body, his mouth hung open in preparation to scream. But it never came. It felt as if he had been frozen to the spot, all control over his body diminished the same instant Frank lost his consiousness.

After what felt like an eternity of being frozen in his body, he gained control over his legs and marched over to the man, who was now checking Frank's pulse.

"Get away from him!" Mikey screeched, pushing the guy away. "Don't touch him!"

"I was just checking his pulse!" The man said, raising his arms in an attempt to defend himself. This only made Mikey even more mad.

"It's your fault that you even had to check his pulse! Why weren't you paying attention?" A seemingly endless stream of words came tumbling out of Mikey's mouth, his rage getting the better of him. Never before had he been this angry, and he had been angry a lot. A hand gripped onto his arm, and he turned around, becoming face-to-face with his brother.

All his anger drained out of him, leaving him feeling empty. A quiet sob escaping his throat, and then he leapt into his brothers arms, tears flooding his eyes, sobs ripping through his throat. Gerard whispered unaudibly to him as the ambulance came tearing around the corner, lights flashing and alarm blaring.

"He'll be fine, Mikey, he'll be fine." Gerard assured, stroking his brothers mousy brown hair soothingly. Mikey's sobs died down, but he couldn't stop the tears from falling down his face. Once he had gained enough control to turn around and look at the scene, he saw the people loading Frank onto a stretcher and carrying him - carefully - into the back of the ambulance.

The doors closed, and the driver climbed into the front seat. Desperately, Mikey ran over to the drivers window and knocked on it. The driver opened the door.

"Please can I come? I'm his best friend!" Mikey pleaded, deciding it would be better to say 'best friend' than 'boyfriend', since Gerard was only a metre behind him. The driver nodded, before jumping out and running around to the back.

"Can I come too?" Gerard asked, his voice cracking. Mikey turned to him, only then noticing that his face was also streaked with tears. The driver nodded impatiently and ushered them into the back, before closing the doors again.

Mikey sat down next to where Frank was lying on the stretcher, his chest rising and falling in short, uneven breathes. He couldn't stand seeing Frank like this. And it was all his fault. If he hadn't have stopped to talk to Frank, he would have been safe in Ray's car, on his way to get his gear.

The engine started, and they headed off down the road, the alarm blaring and lights flashing again. Clasping Frank's hand between his own, Mikey brushed his lips against Frank's knuckles. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Gerard giving him funny looks, but he didn't care.

"If I didn't stop him, this wouldn't have happened..It's all my fault!" Mikey cried, fresh tears streaming down his face. Gerard looked shocked, but quickly went to comfort his brother.

"Stop blaming it on yourself, if that guy had been paying attention, it wouldn't have happened." Gerard said softly, hesitating before saying the last sentence, "It wouldn't have happened if Frank had been paying attention either."

"But they wouldn't have to be paying attention if I didn't stop him!" Mikey shouted, frustrated. The ambulance crew gave each other concerned looks, wondering whether they should kick Mikey out before things got too bad. They decided against it.

After what felt like an eternity, the ambulance pulled up outside the hospital, and everyone was piling out. Frank's stretcher was dragged away from Mikey, but he quickly jumped up and followed after it. He wouldn't let Frank leave his sight for as long as possible.

It wasn't for long. The stretcher was pushed into an almost-empty white room, and one of the nurses stopped by the door, turning around to stop anyone getting in. She looked surprisingly stern - aren't nurses supposed to look nice and friendly?

"Let me in, please." Mikey begged, trying to find a way around her. She shook her head quickly.

"No, I'm afraid you can't come in, sir. Have a seat." She said forcefully, pointing to a chair next to the door. His eyes narrowed at the nurse, his anger boiling over.

"Please! He's my bo-best friend!" Mikey corrected himself quickly, almost making the mistake of saying 'boyfriend' Still, the nurse ignored him. The door slammed in his face, echoing from the spotless white walls surrounding him. He grabbed the handle and shook it violently, but someone had locked it from the inside. That son of a bitch! Thumping the door with his fists, he shouted every curse which came to mind, but still no one opened the door.

Hopelessness suffocating him, Mikey sank to his knees, suddenly feeling extremely alone - despite the fact that Gerard was only a metre away. Even though he could still see Frank behind the glass, it wasn't the same. He longed to be next to him when he awoke, holding his hand. But all he could do was wait until that son of a bitch nurse opened the door.

If I Fall Down. [Frikey]Where stories live. Discover now